Environment Exploitation by Prehistorical Population of Rio De Janeiro

by Oswaldo Heredia, Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Cristina Ten?rio, Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Maria Dulce Gaspar, Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Angela Buarque, Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastlines of Brazil


The specific purpose of this project was to establish the cultural contexts in the area being studied as well as to define the mechanisms of environmental manipulation that were employed by the prehistoric population in the different stages of the occupation of the coast. During the project development the authors undertook several fieldwork expeditions, devoting special attention to a survey which covered the greater part of the state, including not only marine coastal environments but also some island areas. At the same time the authors conducted excavations in 12 prehistoric settlement sites, with various occupation layers, permitting a diachronic analysis of the cultural remains, mainly artifacts made from stone, bone, shell and teeth. In one exceptional case it was possible to recover a wood artifact. This paper discusses various types of human settlements found in the study area and their environmental locations.

Subject Headings: Population projection | Developing countries | Project management | Ecosystems | Wood and wood products | Surveys (non-geomatic) | Site investigation | Brazil | South America

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