In-Place Permeability Measurement of Slurry Trench Cutoff Walls
A suggested procedure for the in-place measurement of slurry trench cutoff wall permeability is presented. The H. Bouwer and Rice method, employing a single observation well and variable-head...

In Situ Tests for Foundation Vibrations
There are several well established methods of determining shear modulus in situ and these are summarized in this paper. New techniques are being developed for in situ determination of...

Initial Results From an In-Situ Consolidometer
An In-Situ Consolidation Evaluation Device (ICED) was developed for field measurement of consolidation parameters by electro-osmosis. A brief description of the test apparatus and the...

Comparison Between In-Situ Test Results
Penetration tests provide a means of obtaining data from which estimations can be made of the bearing capacity, settlement and liquefaction potential of the soils tested. Empirical formulae...

North American Standard Penetration Test Practice: An Essay
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the in situ mechanical soil test most used by North American geotechnical practitioners. The equipment and procedures of the test have periodically...

CPT Indexing of In Situ OCR in Clays
Cone penetration tests may be used to index the in situ preconsolidation pressure in clay deposits. A specified relationship between C//u/ sigma //vo and the overconsolidation ratio (OCR)...

Lateral Stress Measurement During Cone Penetration
A lateral stress sensing cone penetrometer (LSSCP) was designed and fabricated. Based on the results of calibration chamber tests in sand, relationships between measured lateral stress,...

The Pressuremeter for Foundations: French Experience
The paper presents historical information on the development of the pressuremeter and its application in the Laboratories Central des Ponts el Chaussees (LCPC). The continuous research...

Designing for Maintainability
Inspection and maintenance guidelines are unavailable for many buildings. Building owners seldom have the benefit of such information because buildings are often considered passive systems,...

Parking Lot Gets White Top
The many-acre parking lot at the Valley Fair Mall shopping center in Salt Lake City, Utah is described. In 1985 the asphalt pavement was overlaid with concrete, making it one of the relatively...

Construction by Computer
Olympia & York, the developers of the 8 million sq ft World Financial Center in lower Manhattan are using a computerized scheduling system to keep the flow of materials into the...

Development of Data Quality Indicators for Indoor Air Pollution Measurements
Indoor air quality measurements pose a unique problem for the application of traditional Quality Assurance/Quality Control approaches. The lack of reference methods and materials in some...

Testing of Permeable Materials for Retaining Contaminants in Subsurface Leachates
The use of a permeable, retentive treatment system could remove both organic and inorganic contaminants while still allowing flow. A testing procedure for determining the amounts of priority...

Decreasing Clay's Permeability Using Aluminum Salts
The permeabilities of montmorillonite and kaolinite clays were reduced by precipitating aluminum hydroxide in the pores of the clay. The precipitate was formed by permeating the clays...

Design of Final Covers for Landfills
Final covers or caps are incorporated into a completed landfill to limit the amount of moisture percolation through waste materials. A properly designed final cover system provides the...

Unit Operations Approach in Exposure/Release Evaluation for New Chemicals
The unit operations approach may also be applied to the estimation of potential exposure and release of toxic materials from the manufacture and/or processing of new chemicals. By characterizing...

Multiple-Hearth and Fluid Bed Sludge Incinerators
This paper presents recommended practices for design and operation of multiple-hearth and fluid bed furnace systems for combustion of sludges in order to eliminate or mitigate the problems...

Models of Organics Transport Through Soil Columns
A mathematical model is proposed for the transfer of organic solutes in soil. Two cases are considered namely transport of non-adsorptive solutes and transport of adsorptive solutes. Comparative-study...

Modeling the Movement of Volatile Organic Chemicals with Unsaturated Flow
Over the past decade, the rate of groundwater contamination by volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) has increased. Therefore, for both groundwater protection and cleanup, it is necessary...

Mixing and Polymer Performance in Sludge Dewatering
A biofilm reactor, termed the support-aerated biofilm (SAB), was developed in which oxygen was supplied to the interior of the biofilm through a permeable membrane. The reactor was tested...





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