Scour in Erodible Rock II: Erosive Power at Bridge Piers
Scour depths around bridge piers founded on erodible rock can be determined by making use of the Erodibility Index Method. This method defmes an erosion threshold by relating the erosive...

Contraction Scour at Bridges Founded on Clay Soils
With the federally mandated bridge scour program deadline of January 1997 approaching, scour evaluations are in full progress in many states around the country. A common physical situation...

Bridge Hydraulic and Scour Analysis Using FESWMS-2DH
Stream crossings are usually designed to satisfy all engineering and enviromnental constraints at the lowest possible cost. As a result, roadway approach embankments leading to bridge...

Using HEC-RAS to Compute Scour at Bridges
HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface...

Application of Regime Theory in Practice: A Case Study
Alluvial channels are known to adjust their slope, width, depth and velocity to achieve stable conditions given a supply of water and sediment. Scientific investigations of stable channels...

Determination of Bridge Scour Velocity in an Estuary
Determination of the appropriate design for protection against bridge pier scour depends significantly upon the design velocities at the project site. In estuaries with large influences...

Applicability of Scour Equations in Tidal Areas
Bridge scour and waterway instability in the coastal region where waterways are subjected to tidal flow can be subjected to mass density stratification, water salinity, sedimentation (littoral...

Aspects of River House Cleaning during Floods
In spite of all the destructive forces of floods, the washing and scouring of polluted bottom deposits during spring floods gives the rivers a new start at the beginning of what is usually...

Pier Scour at Wide Piers
Scour at relatively wide piers in shallow water is not explicitly accounted for in the current HEC-18 scour equation. The scour estimated for this case is often overpredicted. In this...

Scour around Exposed Pile Foundations
Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure local scour around exposed pile groups for a variety of conditions including different spacings, different skew angles, different patterns...

Detailed Measurements of Scour at Bridges
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, has recently developed equipment and techniques for collecting detailed bathymetric and hydraulic data...

Scour Around Circular Piers
In certain situations scour classification becomes sensitive. The generalised scour relationships are superior to classification dependent scour relationships. In this study a generalised...

Temporal Development of Local Scour at Bridge Piers
The temporal development of local scour depth at circular cylindrical bridge piers is considered. New data are presented and used to quantify the influence of flow duration on the depth...

Maryland SHA's Procedure for Assessing Existing Bridges for Scour Vulnerability and for Rating Unknown Foundations
The Maryland State Highway Administration developed a recommended screening procedure for rating existing bridges for Item 113, Scour Critical Bridges, in the National Bridge Inventory...

Economic Risk Analysis as a Research Directing Paradigm
Risk analysis could be used to direct a manageable, prioritized strategic plan for evaluating bridge scour research needs. Through risk analysis, the costs of research and the potential...

Measurements of Bridge-Scour Depths in Mississippi
This paper briefly summarizes 190 measured pier-scour depths collected dur ing 1942?94 at 22 selected bridges in Mississippi and presents an envelope-curve equation for the data. The envelope-curve...

Field Measurements of Streambed Scour at Bridge Piers in Ohio
Field measurements made from 1989 to 1994 were evaluated to characterize pier scour at 21 bridge sites in Ohio. Pier scour was observed at sites in 45 of 47 real-time scour measurements....

Scour-Hole Dimensions at Selected Bridge Piers in New York
Knowledge of scour-hole dimensions can be used by bridge engineers to deter mine the extent of countermeasures needed to prevent scour at bridge piers. Scour-hole widths at 128 piers,...

Scour Processes Observed in Field Data
River channels scour and aggrade due to complex, interrelated natural processes that are dynamic over space and time. Channel scour is particularly difficult to predict for bridge crossings,...

Channel Scour Protection at Roadway Crossings
There are several forms of channel scour which may damage a bridge or culvert crossing over a natural or improved channel. Typical forms of scour include general degradation, local scour...





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