Overcoming the Obstacles?Hydroelectric Development on the Kankakee River
A number of difficulties were encountered and resolved during development of a 1,200 kW hydroelectric project in northeastern Illinois. Located at the site of an abandoned hydroelectric...

Undeveloped Hydropower Resource Potential
The public hearings conducted as part of the National Energy Strategy produced testimony that concluded that the potential for development of hydropower was not well defined. As a result,...

Load/Resource Matching for Period-of-Record Computer Simulation
The Southwestern Power Administration (Southwestern), an agency of the Department of Energy, is responsible for marketing the power and energy produced at Federal hydroelectric power projects...

Computer Modeling of Reservoir Sedimentation and Sluicing
A recently developed computer program which simulates the evolution, growth, and movement of a submerged delta in reservoirs was tested for Spencer Dam and Reservoir in Nebraska. The code,...

Decision Rules for Reservoir Releases
One of the problems faced with computer modeling of a multi-reservoir, hydro-power system is making decisions on how releases will be made. Reservoirs many times have multiple demands...

The Wisconsin River System Operations Model: WIRSOM
The passage of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to give equal consideration to non-power as well as power values in hydroelectric...

A Flow Forecasting System for Hydro Power
The flow forecasting system comprises a network of meteorological stations, a weather forecasting model, and a watershed hydrologic model, implemented in a microcomputer. The meteorological...

Calculation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow in Francis Turbine Runner
A numerical scheme, based on MacCormack's predictor-corrector explicit finite volume method, for solving three-dimensional weakly compressible inviscid, laminar, and turbulent...

Development of a New Hydraulic Design Tool for Spiral Casing/Distributor Geometry
A novel computational model has been developed to predict highly complex turbulent flow in a combined spiral casing/distributor geometry. Validation of the computational model against...

Optimal Real-Time Control of Hydroelectric Power Plant Using Dynamic Programming
In this paper, an approach of optimal real-time control of hydroelectric power plant operations is presented. The methodology is based on a dynamic programming technique where the original...

Voltage Regulator Influence on Generator System Stability
During initial startup of a generator system, it is not uncommon to witness generator voltage instability. Most of the time, the solution is reduced to returning the stability control...

Validation Studies on Indexed Sequential Modeling for the Colorado River Basin
A method called indexed sequential modeling (ISM) has been developed by the Western Area Power Administration to estimate reliable levels of project dependable power capacity (PDC) and...

Operation of Hydropower Plants Considering Daily Streamflows
Operation of hydropower plants is a sequential decision process often modeled as a dynamic programming problem. Typically, such formulations consider monthly stages assuming that monthly...

An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Multiple Reservoir Operation
The modeling of complex river basins using symbolic computer languages, object-oriented programming and knowledge-based reasoning facilitates, the application of optimization techniques...

Evaluating Hydro Project Benefits with the POWRSYM Production Cost Model
The contribution that a hydro peaking project or pumped-storage project makes to reducing system operating costs can be determined only by modeling the project's operation...

Consideration of Sedimentation on Hydropower Projects
Experience gained by analysis of a number of hydropower projects throughout the world leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider sediment related aspects in the design and...

Estimating Uplift in Cracks in Concrete Dams
Results are presented of a three year research program on the modeling of uplift pressures in cracks in concrete gravity dams, and the effectiveness of drains in reducing those pressures....

Colorado River Probable Maximum Floods
Upper limit design rainstorms (ULDRS) were developed for three locations in the Colorado River drainage above Hoover Dam. For each location, the rainfall magnitudes, spatial and temporal...

Three Dimensional Modeling of Concrete Dams with Cracks Using Boundary Element Methods
Determining uplift pressure distributions in cracks in a concrete dam requires coupling between crack hydraulics and the stresses and displacements occurring in the rock and the concrete...

Diversion of the Parana River for the Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project
The diversion and closure of one of the world's largest rivers, the Parana River on the border of Paraguay and Argentina, for the 2760 MW Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project, sponsored...





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