Project on Contaminations-Radiation-Ecosystems-Health in Russia
We would like to discuss with you a project that we are currently developing, doing research upon and completing. In our report we represent the the following: - a few experimental data...

Ecological Risk Assessment of Proposed Deep Geologic Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste in Canada
Using population dynamic models of moose and brook trout, and assuming topographic, hydrographic and other habitat features typical of the Canadian Shield in Ontario, we have estimated...

HWVP Compliance with the Hanford Site Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria
This report describes the Hanford Waste Vitrification project (HWVP), which will be located at the Haford Site. The Hanford Site encompasses a 560-mi2...

Durability Testing of the High-Capacity GA-4/GA-9 Trailer
General Atomics (GA) is under contract to the US Department of Energy (DOE), Idaho Field Office, to develop two legal-weight truck from-reactor spent-fuel shipping casks with trailers....

Tolerance Requirements for Remote Handling at the Hanford Vitrification Project
A new and innovative approach to installation of the many remote nozzles and electrical connectors that must be installed to demanding tolerances has been developed by the architect/engineer...

Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Exploratory Studies Facilities Construction Status
This paper discusses the progress to date on the construction planning and development of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) Exploratory Studies Facilities (ESF). The...

Project Control?The Next Generation
The Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) second largest Major System Acquisition Project. We have developed an integrated planning...

League of Women Voters Education Fund?Providing a Forum for Public Information and Participation
In March of 1992, the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) signed a five-year cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) to provide American citizens with information...

Resource Implications of Listing Columbia River Basin Salmon Stocks Under the Endangered Species Act
The Columbia River and Snake River dams and reservoirs provide substantial benefits in the Northwest through their operation for hydropower, flood control, irrigation, navigation, and...

Mount St. Helens Recovery Project
Work began immediately after the eruption of Mount St. Helens to restore Columbia River navigation, provide 100 year flood protection for the downstream communities located along the Cowlitz...

Basin Scale Management of Surface and Ground Water
An important element in the economic development of many regions of the Great Plains is the availability of reliable water supply. The primary supply has tended towards developing groundwater...

Fresno/Clovis Water Management Plan
The Fresno/Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) in California has historically relied solely on untreated, undisinfected groundwater as a source of potable water to serve 500,000 people. Contamination...

Urban Water Planning?A Western Nevada Case Study
The result of the increased demands due to population growth in the Reno/Sparks urban area and new uses i.e., environmental and Pyramid Lake related, has created increased competition...

Water Management Plan for Lake Okeechobee
Lake Okeechobee is a large, natural freshwater lake in Southern Florida with a drainage area of about 5,650 square miles. The Corps of Engineers operates and maintains project works on...

Licensing and Permitting the Devil's Nose Project Under the 1990's Regulatory Conditions
Amador County is one of California's mountain counties of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada range in the north central portion of the state. The present population is estimated to...

Managing Government Contracts: Tips to Keeping Your Sanity
The key to managing large government projects is to divide it into smaller manageable pieces and organize it accordingly. Government projects are unique in that they require much more...

Partnering in Water Resources Planning in Florida
This paper discusses successful partnering efforts by the Corps of Engineers in water resources development in Florida. The partnering involves the Corps, local project sponsors and other...

Public Process in Fresno/Clovis Water Supply Plan
Groundwater is the principal reservoir for the Fresno/Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) of Central California. However, significant portions of the aquifer are threatened by pesticides and...

Evaluating Environmental Projects
Throughout the Nation, there is increased awareness of and concern for, environmental protection and restoration. Within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, new authorities are providing...

Nonmarket Economic Values for Salmon and Wildlife Resources
Until recently, resource economists primarily focused on measuring the direct net value of fish and wildlife resources, when analyzing management options. And the technical literature...





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