Nisqually River Management Plan
The Nisqually River is unique in Washington State, if not the nation, in having as its headwaters a glacier within a national park, and its estuary within a national wildlife refuge. The...
The Identification of Common Resource Management Needs as a Basis for Barrier Island Research Programs
This paper demonstrates the need for a broad, centrally focussed barrier island research program by conducting a systematic analysis of the resource management needs of the Atlantic and...
Tsunami?Preparing for a Vague and Rare Event
A tsunami (tidal wave) to an earth scientist is a vague event - to others, it is a Hollywood enhanced and misunderstood event. These attitudes are heightened by the fact that tsunamis...
Special Canada-U.S. Workshop/Panel
Panel members with hands-on-experience in estuarine planning and management are drawn from British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California. They highlight those factors which they...
Territorial Sea Management by the State of Oregon
The institutional capability of the State of Oregon to manage the territorial sea under its jurisdiction recently was examined by the authors. Oil and gas development, marine mineral mining,...
The EEZ: Potential and Problems for Ocean Management
The emergence of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) represents the culmination of efforts to devise a transitional zone between the territorial sea, in which the coastal state has sovereignty...
Taxing Response Evasion on the Great Barrier Reef
A class of models known as randomized response designs has been shown to reduce survey response bias to incriminating questions by assuring respondent confidentiality. The purpose of this...
Waste Disposal Activities and the Protection of Estuaries and Coastal Waters
The disposal of wastes in the Nation's marine environments raises two fundamental issues: first, the general health of the several types of marine waters - estuaries, coastal...
Marine Protected Areas and Customary Rights
Customary rights and their importance to the establishment and management of coastal and protected marine areas has emerged as an issue of universal concern. Local involvement in the planning...
Marine Park Planning in the Third World Haiti Case Study
World-wide stability can be, in part, achieved by the creation of marine parks and other protected areas, particularly in third world countries, since marine protected areas help to conserve...
The Role of Marine Parks Management in the Conservation of Philippine Coastal Resources
The government, recognizing the need to conserve coastal resources, created in 1977 the Marine Park Inter-Agency Task Force to prepare and supervise the implementation of a master plan...
Common Priorities for Managing Marine Protected Areas: Results from an International Seminar
In 1986, representatives from 22 countries participated in the International Marine Protected Area Management Seminar. The Seminar provided an opportunity to identify and discuss major...
The International Network: A Solution for Marine Protected Area Management
The Marine and Estuarine Management Division in cooperation with the U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program and other international organizations sponsored the International Marine Protected...
New Directions in Atlantic Artificial Reef Development
The National Fishing Enhancement Act (PL 98-623) of 1984 placed a new emphasis on the role of artificial reefs in fishery development and management. Subsequently, the growth of marine...
Rocky Habitat Mitigation Using Artificial Reefs in Puget Sound, Washington
In Puget Sound, Washington, artificial reefs are being studied to determine their potential to mitigate for man-caused degradation of rocky habitat. These studies demonstrate the biological...
Restoring of Butcher's Slough Estuary?A Case History
A 30-acre parcel of former lumber and plywood mills occupying original estuary and salt marsh wetlands on the northern edge of Humboldt Bay, Humboldt County, north coastal California,...
Enhancing Diked Wetlands in Coastal California
Significant areas of wetland in coastal California are diked off from full tidal action. These areas retain considerable value as wetland, and their management and enhancement present...
Prospects for Wetlands Use in Stormwater Management
It is well established that wetlands under certain circumstances improve water quality. There is a limited literature on the long-term effects of using freshwater wetlands for stormwater...
Background to Petroleum Development in Santa Barbara County
This discussion introduces several papers which examine solutions to challenges posed to local agencies by ongoing development of offshore petroleum resources. Innovative solutions have...
Mitigation of Impacts Associated with Oil and Gas Development Projects
The large scale oil and gas development occurring in Santa Barbara County has the potential to cause extensive environmental impacts on many resources within the county. The county has...
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