Washington State Coastal Erosion Management Strategy
The shores of Washington's inland coast - Puget Sound - undergo chronic and episodic erosion and landsliding. The problem is not nearly so great here as elsewhere in the U.S.A., but what...

State Implementation and Enforcement of the Alaska Coastal Management Program
Section 306 the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1992 required participating states to develop a means to implement and enforce their coastal programs. The Alaska Coastal Management Act,...

Modern Air Pollution Reduction Technology on Platforms in the Pacific OCS
The Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) along the California coast line has the most sophisticated air pollution reduction technologies implemented in the world. This paper describes...

Responsible Governmental Structures: Coastal Management in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia
Commentators studying the coastal management strategies adopted by various countries have frequently criticized the lack of centralized national authorities aimed specifically at coastal...

Political and Planning Actions on the Brazilian Coastal Management Program
The Brazilian Coastal Management Program is presented in two distinct phases, starting from its introduction in the country. Technical aspects of the adopted methodology development are...

Injury Determination and Quantification
Several different approaches for injury determination and quantification are discussed within the framework of the natural resource damage assessment process. The basic concepts and terminology...

Cumulative Environmental Impacts of Shoreline Stabilization on Puget Sound
Although shore protection structures such as bulkheads and seawalls may provide protection to upland property owners, they bring with them numerous potential adverse environmental effects....

Restoring the Beach Profile with Vegetation
Owing to the fast moving urban expansion of the city of Rio de Janeiro toward one of its most preserved coastal areas, Barra da Tijuca district, it was necessary to implement some substructure...

Protecting Special Areas and Wildlife in the Wider Caribbean: Implementing the 1990 Kingston Protocol
This paper outlines the development of the Kingston Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife to the 1983 Cartagena Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine...

Coastal Protection Effects at Buenos Aires, Argentina
A rapid population growing and a lack of a control planing of natural coastal resources increased damage assessments. Several buildings have been carried out to obtain a shoreline stabilization...

ECOR, an International Organization Active in the Coastal Zone
The Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources is an international organization that fosters and facilitates cooperation in the field of ocean engineering. The purpose of ECOR is: (a)...

Beach Fill Performance at the Lido Beach, Florida, Groin
Lido Beach on the Gulf of Mexico in Sarasota, Florida traditionally has been used as a placement area for sand dredged from the adjacent New Pass federal navigation project. At the end...

Beach Enhancement Through Nourishment and Compartmentalization: The Recent History of Santa Monica Bay
During the past half-century, the beaches in the central and southern portions of Santa Monica Bay have been significantly enhanced by a combination of artificial nourishment and structural...

Sand Losses from an Artificially Nourished Beach Stabilized by Groynes
Norderney is one of the East Frisian barrier Islands in Germany. Severe dune erosion jeopardized the settlement and neccessitated the use of seawalls and groynes after 1850. Even though...

Holding a Shorelind with a Buried Revetment
Two shoreline modification projects were designed that use a new application of an old idea to provide erosion protection and improve shoreline access and aesthetics. The innovation consists...

Incremental Influence of Shore Structures Determined Using a Shoreline Change Model
Shore erosion at Ogden Dunes, Indiana, is thought to be caused by shore structures making up the Burns International Harbor complex, located on the southern shore of Lake Michigan. Long-term...

Breakwater Design in the Chesapeake Bay: Dealing with the End Effects
This paper documents various methods for treating the terminal ends of headland breakwater systems. Twelve sites in Chesapeake Bay were selected for study. In selecting design alternatives,...

Modification and Layout of the Galveston Island Groin Field for Retaining Sand on Beach
In the past hundred years or so, numerous groin fields have been constructed along the world's coastline. Many of these have little or no existing beach in the groin field. This paper...

St. Paul Harbor, St. Paul Island, Alaska
The City of St. Paul requested the Alaska District of the Corps of Engineers to become involved in their harbor project through Section 204e of Public Law 99-662. This arrangement allowed...

Monitoring the Impacts of a Coastal Protection Structure on La Guira Bay, Tobago
In the mid 1980s the Trinidad and Tobago Government embarked on a tourism development thrust centered around the island of Tobago. A key feature of this thrust involved extending the Crown...





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