The Development Process for Unique Underground Equipment for Waste Handling
The Department of Energy (DOE) is currently planning to site, construct, and operate a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW)....

How Can the St. Lucie Unit 2 Licensing Experience Benefit the Licensing of a Nuclear Spent Fuel Repository
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) granted a full power operating license for St. Lucie Unit 2 on June 10, 1983, just six years after construction began. The industry average for...

Behaviour of Plutonium, Rare Earth Elements and Elements of the Platinum Group in Vitreous Phosphate Composites During Liquid HLW Vitrification
The methods of ?-spectrometry, ?-scanning, ?-radiography, optical microscopy, x-ray phase and x-ray fluorescent analyses were used to study the behaviour of Pu, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Ru, Rh,...

Regulatory Requirements and Long-Term Repository Host Rock Performance
The regulatory requirements governing the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in mined geologic repositories acknowledge the long-lived nature of the wastes and require the consideration...

Mechanical Excavator Performance in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
A research effort of four phases is in progress at the Colorado School of Mines. The overall program will evaluate the cutability of welded tuff and other lithologies likely to be excavated...

The Adoption of Mechanized Excavation Techniques for the Superconducting Super Collider
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) is the latest and largest in a line of high-energy physics accelerator projects. The five increasingly energetic accelerators which make up the...

Principles of the NATM and Other Uses of the Geologic Monitoring Techniques
The NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) differs in several respects from other construction methods. Also referred to as the 'sequential support method' or the...

Conclusions from Project-90 With Regard to a Regulatory Framework
A five year performance assessment program, Project-90 [1], has been concluded by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, SKI. The project was defined to develop independent assessment...

Cask Systems Development Program Seal Technology
General design or test performance requirements for radioactive materials (RAM) packages are specified in Title 10 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 71 (10 CFR 71). Seals that...

Scenario Evolution: Interaction Between Event Tree Construction and Numerical Analyses
Construction of well-posed scenarios for the range of conditions possible at any proposed repository site is a critical first step to assessing total system performance. Event tree construction...

The Technical Challenge of Mechanized Excavation for Nuclear Waste Repositories
The requirements of mechanized tunnelling and shafting techniques within this newly developing field, namely the excavation of Nuclear Waste Repositories, will challenge the designers...

Recent Development in the Design of Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines for the Mining Industry
Underground development for nuclear waste storage will possibly require tunnels to be excavated in a variety of rock conditions and configurations. Recent innovations in Tunnel Boring...

Shaft Boring Machine?A Method of Mechanized Vertical Shaft Excavation
The Shaft Boring Machine (SBM) is a vertical application of proven rock boring technology. The machine applies a rotating cutter wheel with disk cutters for shaft excavation. The wheel...

Mechanical Tunnel Excavation in Welded Tuff
The Technical Review Board for the United States high-level radioactive waste facility at Yucca Mountain has recommended maximum use of 'the most modern mechanical excavation...

A First Look at Roadheader Construction and Estimating Techniques for Site Characterization at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The Yucca Mountain site characterization program will be based on mechanical excavation techniques for the mined repository construction and development. Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM's),...

Design, Selection, and Application of Disc Cutters in Hard and Abrasive Rock
Disc cutters have been used on tunnel boring and shaft boring machines for many years and are a proven method to bore hard rock. This paper will study the important parameters which effect...

Visualizing the Performance of Structural Optimization Processes
Graphical constructions are discussed that enable the performance of iterative structural optimization processes to be evaluated visually. The first, a basins of attraction construction,...

A PC-CAD System for Prefabricated Steel Bridges
A microcomputer-aided analysis and design system for prefabricated steel bridges is presented in this paper. The system was customized to perform all the required engineering to analyze,...

Strategies Which Permit Multiple Discrete Section Properties per Member in 3D Frameworks
Strategies for discrete structural optimization of 3D steel frames with coupled section properties are presented. These strategies include linearized branch and bound, simulated annealing,...

Buckling Optimization of Laminate Stacking Sequence with Strain Constraints
An integer programming formulation for the design of symmetric and balanced composite laminates subject to buckling and strain constraints is presented. The design variables that define...





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