Conjunctive Use and Managed Groundwater Recharge: Engineering and Politics in Arid Lands
In regions with alluvial groundwater basins, increasing consumer demands for water, irregular surface water flows, and high evapotranspiration rates, managed recharge and long-term conjunctive...

Water Management of the Snowy Mountains Scheme Australia
The Snowy Mountains Scheme in south-eastern Australia provides a classic example of Water Resources Planning and Management on a National scale. The Scheme provides mainly peak electricity...

Intrastate and Interstate Water Transfers
Riparian states generally do not permit transfers of water outside the watershed of origin, while the opposite is true in the appropriation states provided there is no harm to existing...

Evolving Institutions for Water Transfer in the U.S.
A major source of constraint is state water allocation law, which defines rights for water use and development, including in some cases restrictions on place of use that limit transfer....

Interstate Agreements for Water Transfers
Any state is typically subjected to opposing forces that wish to 1) preserve limited water resources for future in-state uses, or 2) to export that resource for out-of-state use. Statutes...

Procedures in a Change of Water Rights
The general procedures used in the water right analysis for a change in a water right must be applied to the historic use and then repeated for the proposed new use. The required analysis...

Factual Issues in Water Rights Changes
When an appropriator of a water right desires to change the manner in which the right is exercised there are a number of factors that must be considered. These include the types of changes...

Financing Water Supply Infrastructure - A Public Works Perspective
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority was established to ensure that the regional water and wastewater needs were properly addressed, removing the budget process from the legislature...

Water Infrastructure: Research and Education Needs
Problems with infrastructure have received considerable attention but not much has been written about implications for research and education. Education and research should be aimed at...

Optimal Weekly Operation of a System of Three Multipurpose Reservoirs
Marion, Council Grove, and John Redmond Lakes located in the Upper Neosho-Cottonwood River basin are an integral part of the State Water Marketing Program of Kansas. In addition to water...

Facilities Planning in the Caribbean a Case Study
Culebra has significant problems of water scarcity and poor wastewater treatment. In 1984-1985, a formal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for improved wastewater treatment...

Engineering and Policymaking: The Platte River in Nebraska
Substantial conflict exists over proposed water projects in the Platte River Basin of Nebraska. A computer simulation model, representing the engineering and environmental dimensions of...

Integrating Policy Factors in Stream-Aquifer Models
One of the main issues appearing today in the field of water resources is the management of complex hydrologic systems consisting of surface streams and aquifers. The management problem...

Interbasin Issues Related to Groundwater Management
This paper evaluates several options for settling disputes over sharing water and concludes in favor of well-conceived state compacts. More than other methods, such compacts offer continual...

Organization Design of a Water Resources Institution
An overview of the field of organization design is presented along with a brief description of major macro-organization design theories. Utilizing this information, four water resources...

Review of Strategies for Strengthening Water Resources Management in Taiwan, Republic of China
The paper summarizes the review by the Council for Economic Planning and Development of the Executive Yuan (the administration branch of the Government) in 1982/4 on the water resources...

Ground Water Strategy in California
There is great debate over when and how much new water California needs. Yet of the backbone supply, wells that could serve over 1 million people have been either removed from use or blended...

The Role of Local Government in Water Quality Management
To meet the challenge of providing safe drinking water at a reasonable cost, local governments, together with water utilities, must do more than merely fund the implementation of state...

What About the Point-of-Use?
Point-of-use (POU) granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment devices are being installed more frequently on community water sytems and on private wells. This article describes carbon filter...

Policy Issues in Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution
Attention is first given to the extent of the right of the landowner to generate contaminated runoff. The previously recognized privilege of landowners to make point source waste discharges...





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