Borehole Security on the Yucca Mountain Project
A borehole security plan was developed and is being implemented to address safety, environmental protection and restoration, waste isolation, and security concerns related to boreholes...

The Independent Cost Estimating Process
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) requires that an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) be prepared for all Major Systems Acquisitions (MSAs); that is, projects or programs expected...

Structure of Crater Flat and Yucca Mountain, Southeastern Nevada, as Inferred from Gravity Data
Existing gravity data in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain and Crater Flat have been examined to determine if these data support only the caldera model or if they support other geologic models...

Geometric Analyses of Alternative Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Realistic cross section tectonic models must be retrodeformable to geologically reasonable pre-deformation states. Furthermore, it must be shown that geologic structures depicted on cross...

Detachment Faults?Regulatory Implications for the Yucca Mountain Site
Site characterization investigations at the Yucca Mountain site, Nye County, Nevada consist of a combination of scientific data collection and analyses, and compliance with regulatory...

Seismic Reflection Profiling: Essential Geophysical Data for Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, consists of a thick sequence of ashflow tuffs and lavas fractured into intact blocks with east-dipping strata, marginal broken zones characterized by dense faulting...

Geophycal Investigations of Buried Volcanic Centers Near Yucca Mountain, Southwest Nevada
Several aeromagnetic dipolar anomalies occur over flat, alluvial areas near Yucca Mountain that resemble anomalies typically associated with subaerial basaltic volcanic centers. Detailed...

Micromechanics of Deformation in Topopah Spring Tuff, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Samples of Topopah Spring tuff from Yucca Mountain, Nevada have been tested and analyzed. Laboratory tests conducted include standard uniaxial and triaxial compression tests, and special...

A Variation of the Housing Unit Method for Estimating the Age and Gender Distribution of Small, Rural Areas: A Case Study of the Local Expert Procedure
This paper examines the suitability of a survey-based procedure for estimating population in small, rural areas. The procedure is a variation of the Housing Unit Method. It employs the...

Current Progress in Implementing the Payments-Equal-to-Taxes (PETT)
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1992, as amended (NWPA), requires the Secretary of Energy to make Payments-Equal-To-Taxes (PETT) to local units of government that are affected by the potential...

Calcite Deposits in Fractures at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Calcite is one of the latest-formed minerals within fractures at Yucca Mountain. Petrographic and chemical studies of these calcites have the potential, in conjunction with fluid-inclusion...

Isotopic and Trace Element Variability in Altered and Unaltered Tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Reference stratigraphic sections near Yucca Mountain, Nevada were established and sampled in outcrop areas where the volcanic rocks have been minimally altered. Isotopic and trace element...

Lead Isotopic Composition of Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic Marine Carbonate Rocks in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic marine carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites, and their metamorphic equivalents) cropping out in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain contain lead with an isotopic...

Durability Testing of the High-Capacity GA-4/GA-9 Trailer
General Atomics (GA) is under contract to the US Department of Energy (DOE), Idaho Field Office, to develop two legal-weight truck from-reactor spent-fuel shipping casks with trailers....

Stochastic Modelling of Groundwater Flow at the WIPP Site
A stochastic approach to modelling the groundwater flow in the vicinity of the WIPP site in New Mexico is described. A geostatistical model of the transmissivity of the Culebra dolomite...

Fresno/Clovis Water Management Plan
The Fresno/Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) in California has historically relied solely on untreated, undisinfected groundwater as a source of potable water to serve 500,000 people. Contamination...

Urban Water Planning?A Western Nevada Case Study
The result of the increased demands due to population growth in the Reno/Sparks urban area and new uses i.e., environmental and Pyramid Lake related, has created increased competition...

Water Management Plan for Lake Okeechobee
Lake Okeechobee is a large, natural freshwater lake in Southern Florida with a drainage area of about 5,650 square miles. The Corps of Engineers operates and maintains project works on...

Licensing and Permitting the Devil's Nose Project Under the 1990's Regulatory Conditions
Amador County is one of California's mountain counties of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada range in the north central portion of the state. The present population is estimated to...

Partnering in Water Resources Planning in Florida
This paper discusses successful partnering efforts by the Corps of Engineers in water resources development in Florida. The partnering involves the Corps, local project sponsors and other...





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