Possible Climate Change and Its Impact on Snowmelt and Water Supply in California
Global climate modelers are forecasting relatively large future climate change, with warming of 2 to 5?C. These changes, if they do occur, would have major impacts on California's...
Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
Transmission Losses, Flood Peaks, and Groundwater Recharge
Abstractions of streamflow in ephemeral stream channels from infiltration in the channel beds and banks are called transmission losses. These losses are important because water is 'lost'...
Water Conservation in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power shares the responsibility with its customers of managing water resources by implementing water conservation measures that can be applied at...
Thermal Plumes from Staged Diffusers into a Uniform Quiescent Environment
The behavior of thermal plumes from staged multiport diffusers was investigated experimentally. The three-dimensional temperature distribution was measured by scanning thermistor rakes...
Observation of Sediment Resuspension in Old Tampa Bay, Florida
Equipment and methodology have been developed to monitor sediment resuspension at two sites in Old Tampa Bay. Velocities are measured with electromagnetic current meters and suspended...
In-Stream Thermal-Regime Analysis for Powerplant Coolant Dispersion
A steam-tube dispersion model has been adapted to real-time simulation of heat dispersion in a 7-mile reach of the Des Plaines River below Joliet Power Station. Direct feedback control...
Mt. Elbert Pumped Storage Trashrack Failure
The failure of three trashrack sections for unit 2 at the suction-draft tube intake occured after one year in service. However, the trashracks for unit 1 had five years of service with...
Physical Model Study of Navigation Conditions
This paper describes a physical model study performed to assess the impact of increased flows from a redeveloped hydroelectric generating station on the ability of pleasure boats to navigate...
Model Study to Design a Small Intake
A 1:4 scale model was used to design the make-up water intake structure for Burrillville Combined-Cycle Power Plant, Ocean State Power Project. The objective of the study was to assure...
The Study and Practice of the River Regime Planning and Sediment Management in Gezhouba Project of the Yangtze
Based on the Practice of Gezhouba Project, the first water control project on the mainstem of the Yangtze and the largest hydroproject in China, this paper lays emphasis on importance...
Mechanical Aspects of Intake Gates at John Hart Dam
As part of the John Hart Dam rehabilitation program completed in 1988, six new intake gates complete with guides and hydraulic operators were installed replacing the existing gates and...
Streamflow Forecasting: Experiences in Development of Customized Systems for Hydropower Operations
Technical advances in computers and real time data acquisition favor the development of computer based streamflow forecasting systems. These technical advances should be combined with...
Major Sedimentation Issues and Ongoing Investigations at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
There generally exist five types of sedimentation problems. These are watershed, stream, reservoir, estuary and coastal problems. At the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's...
Momentum and Kinetic Energy Coefficient Research?Ramp Flumes
In October 1984. Reclamation Hydraulic Branch staff members investigated the operation of the A-Canal ramp at Klamath Falls, Oregon. The ramp flume was completed in 1983 as a water measurement...
Intake Wheel Gates Sealing Arrangements
This article discusses the sealing arrangements for intake wheel gates. Advantages and disadvantages if upstream and downstream sealing arrangements including thier effects on the performance...
Ring Gate as Turbine Emergency Shut-Down Device
The ring gate, intially used as a regulating device in the early stage of the design of hydraulic turbines, has grown to a reliable emergency shut-down device. Incorporated in the hydraulic...
Measurement of Hydraulic and Environmental Effects of Aeration Devices in Douglas Reservoir
The releases from Douglas Reservoir experience periods of low dissolved oxygen (DO) content during the summer months. Tests were conducted during August 1989 to determine the effects of...
The Piedra del Aguila Project Large Radial Gates
Piedra del Aguila Hydroelectric Project is on the Limay River in Argentina. It has a capacity of 1424 MW with annual energy of 5500 GWH. This is an overflow dam, with intake gates, penstocks...
Diversion Closure Gate Schemes Used on B.C. Hydro Dams
Over the last 25 years B.C. Hydro has designed, built and has operated a number of large dams and continues to do so. This paper describes the design, erection and operating experiences...
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