Coastlines of the Southern North Sea
This proceeding, Coastlines of the Southern North Sea, contains papers presented at COASTAL ZONE 93, the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean...
Coastlines of Western Africa
This proceeding, the Coastlines of Western Africa, contains papers presented at COASTAL ZONE 93, the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean...
The Management of Coastal Lagoons and Enclosed Bays
This proceeding, The Management of Coastal Lagoons and Enclosed Bays, contains papers presented at COASTAL ZONE 93, the Eighth Symposium on...
Deltas of the World
This proceeding, Deltas of the World, contains papers presented at COASTAL ZONE 93, the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management held...
Engineering Hydrology
This proceedings, Engineering Hydrology, contains papers that were presented at the Symposium held in San Francisco, California, July 25-30,...
High Speed Ground Transportation Systems I Planning and Engineering
This proceedings,High Speed Ground Transportation Systems I: Planning and Engineering, consists of 74 papers presented at the ASCE's...
Hydraulic Engineering
This proceedings, Hydraulic Engineering, contains papers presented at the 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering held in San Francisco,...
Infrastructure Planning and Management
This proceedings, Infrastructure Planning and Management, consists of papers presented at two parallel conferences held in Denver, Colorado,...
Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems Integrated Perspectives
This proceedings, Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Integrated Perspectives, consists of 156 papers presented at the 1993 ASCE...
Microcomputers in Transportation
Microcomputers continue to revolutionize the productivity and creativity of transportation professionals leading to improvements in transportation planning, design, and management processes....
Pacific Rim TransTech Conference Volume I: Advanced Technologies
This proceedings, Pacific Rim TransTech Conference-Volume 1: Advanced Technologies, consists of papers presented at the conference held in...
Pacific Rim TransTech Conference?Volume II International Ties, Management Systems, Propulsion Technology, Strategic Highway Research Program
This proceedings, Pacific Rim TransTech Conference Vo. II, consists of papers presented at an ASCE Conference held in Seattle, Washington,...
Pipeline Infrastructure II
This proceedings, Pipeline Infrastructure II, contains papers that were presented at the International Conference sponsored by the Pipeline...
Advances in Site Characterization Data Acquisition, Data Management, and Data Interpretation
This proceedings, Advances in Site Characterization: Data Acquisition, Data Management, and Data Interpretation, consists of papers presented...
Airport Pavement Innovations?Theory to Practice
This proceedings, Airport Pavement Innovations?Theory to Practice, consists of papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference held in Vicksburg,...
Automated People Movers IV
This proceedings, Automated People Movers IV, includes 72 papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Automated People Movers...
Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete II
Composite steel-concrete structures are widely used throughout the world. Applications range from buildings to bridges to foundations to special structures. In many instances extensive...
Design and Performance of Deep Foundations Piles and Piers in Soil and Soft Rock
This proceedings, Design and Performance of Deep Foundations: Piles and Piers in Soil and Soft Rock, consists of papers presented at five sessions...
Digital Image Processing Techniques and Applications in Civil Engineering
This proceedings, Digital Image Processing: Techniques and Applications in Civil Engineering, consists of the invited and submitted papers...
Fly Ash for Soil Improvement
This proceedings, Fly Ash for Soil Improvement, contains papers presented at technical sessions of the 1993 ASCE Annual Convention and Exposition...
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