A Goal Driven Approach to Discrete Event Simulation
Discrete event simulation is getting more attention as a tool for allocating construction resources. However, its usage is limited because it requires intensive knowledge in conducting...

An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Allocating Construction Resources
This paper presents an approach to alleviate the problem of depending upon human expert in allocating construction resources. This approach is using artificial neural networks to capture...

Intelligent Construction Planning
The intelligent construction planning is a stage of automated building realization process. The building is defined in the design stage by its spaces and functional systems. The automated...

Three-dimensional Modeling for Improving Construction Process Performance
This paper presents experimentation regarding a model for deciding the optimum number of resources that should be allocated to a project. Measures of task and process flexibility are used...

Optimal Markup Policy in Sequential Competitive Bidding
Construction firms encounter resource constrains in their business operations. However, current competitive bidding models fail to consider the impact of a firm's constrained resources...

Using Pen Computers in Post-Disaster Insurance Claim Settlements
The advanced use of pen computers for insurance claim damage assessment and settlement are explored. The advantages of implementing such a paperless approach to insurance claim settlements...

Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
The aging and deterioration of our water supply infrastructure have resulted in performance deficiencies. Limited budgets require that resources for maintenance and rehabilitation be allocated...

Water Infrastructure Risk Ranking and Filtering Method
The availability of water distribution infrastructure is critical to the sustained support and growth of society. Water infrastructure consists of systems that carry water (pipe and irrigation...

Risk Analysis: Wet Weather Flows in S.E. Michigan
Institutional aspects of risk analysis are examined in two separate activities in the state of Michigan. The state of Michigan's relative risk project, patterned after the U.S. EPA's risk...

Poorer Is Riskier: Opportunity for Change
With regard to water resources, it is appropriate to build upon two interacting themes of the late Aaron Wildavsky (1988). The first of Wildavsky's themes is the idea of resiliency. The...

Uncertainty and Time Preference in Shore Protection
From a review of economic, psychologic, and geographic literature, three points of criticism of the economic model of choice are 1) when faced with losses, individuals tend not to be averse...

Public Perceptions of Fresh Water Issues
Risk management takes place in a context of public perceptions of fresh water quality, quantity, and availability. Regardless of their consistency or inconsistency with expert opinions,...

Environment-Irrigation Trade-Offs and Risks
Allocation of scarce water resources between environmental and commercial uses is an extremely important problem in many parts of the world. A study is under way in Australia to examine...

Climate Warming and Great Lakes Management
A decision-analysis approach to determining the relevance of information on climate change for near-term Great Lakes management decisions is outlined. Simplified applications to decisions...

Risk and Reliability of Water Resources Infrastructure and Engineering Approaches to Risk and Reliability Analysis
The paper summarizes the second session of the conference which discussed the risk and reliability of water resources infrastructure as well as engineering approaches to risk and reliability...

Behavioral, Social, and Institutional Aspects of Risk Analysis
The paper summarizes the third session of the conference which discussed four items that become pitfalls for decision makers when neglected. These are parameter uncertainties as distinct...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The paper summarizes the fourth session of the conference which discussed risk assessment approaches in bio/chemical hazards; specific studies on people's behavior and views of natural...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The sixth session featured three important applications of risk and reliability analysis in water resources planning. Papers were presented on incentives to use reliability and risk analysis...

Climate Change
The wide range of predictions from global climate models most often encourages a wait-and-see approach. These uncertainties and a trust that conventional policy is sufficient to accommodate...

Removal of Arsenic by Enhanced Coagulation and Membrane Technology
The U.S. EPA is promulgating a new MCL for arsenic based on epidemiology studies. The concern from the water industry is that the new MCL will be significantly lower than the current MCL...





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