SCADA and Network Analysis
Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation (CNG) is a gas distribution utility serving 130,000 customers in Connecticut. Gas purchase costs and pipeline maintenance costs account for 65% of CNG's...

Microcomputer Graphics Flood Stationarity Test
Only records that correspond with present river conditions should be used with flood frequency analysis when forecasting. A microcomputer test is discussed which aids in selecting appropriate...

Microcomputer Route Performance Monitoring
A performance monitoring system, properly implemented, can significantly aid a transit system's ability to operate efficient and effective services. The Capital District Transportation...

Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Cylindrical Tank with a Flexible Baseplate
Analytically predicted coupled natural frequencies, response functions, and transient responses are compared with measured values for a partially filled cylindrical tank subject to excitation...

Passive Solar and Daylighting Cut Building's Energy Use
The headquarters building for Gulf Mineral Resources Co. near Denver requires about one-quarter of the energy generally used in a new conventional building. A double skin provides a thermal...

Hazardous Waste Landfill: Some Lessons from New Jersey
There are four key elements in a secure, hazardous waste landfill: a bottom liner; a leachate collection system; a cover; and the natural hydrogeologic setting. Each of these elements...

Hydrologic Applications for Electronic Spreadsheets
Electronic spreadsheets have many potential applications to civil engineering. They are ideal for the derivation of unit hydrographs and the construction of design storm hydrographs. They...

Flood Consideration for Sanitary Structures
An approach is presented to determine the design basis flood for Sanitary Structures and means to protect them. Flood and flood frequency are defined. Principal classes of flood are evaluated...

Transportation Innovations that Would Banish America's Energy Crisis
Despite the current oil glut, the energy crisis is still very much with us. Within the next few decades, the U.S. will nearly exhaust economically recoverable petroleum. The key to solving...

Birth of the Synthetic Fuels Industry
The U.S. is now in the early stages of creating a synthetic fuels industry, a much needed step to help to decrease America's dependence on foreign oil imports. Synfuels refer...

Tangshan Rebuilds after Mammoth Earthquake
The City of Tangshan, China was totally devastated in 1976 by a major earthquake. Over 240,000 people were killed in one of history's greatest disasters. The quake had a Richter...

Ports '80
Papers from twenty-three sessions of the speciality conference on energy ports and terminals are presented. The theme of the conference was Energy, Ports, Perspective, and considerations...

Making Maps by Computer�City and Utilities Team Up in Pioneer Effort
There is heavy duplication of map making and maintenance�as many as 68 different maps of the same area were counted in the Vancouver, Canada, suburb of Burnaby. This, and the fact that...

Energy From Space
Patented by Peter Glaser in 1973 the solar power satellite is a concept still mindboggling to some. It is a satellite orbiting 22,300 miles (35,800 km) above earth in geosynchronous orbit....

Can the U.S. Cope with Skyrocketing Coal Production�
Coal must become the nation's chief tool for increasing energy self-reliance. Coal is abundant. The technology to use it is available today. There is an existing production...

How the Carter Administration Plans to Cope with the Energy Crisis
How does the Carter Administration plan to reduce dependence on foreign oil and weather the eventual decline in the availability of world oil supplies? The major elements of the Carter...

Ports '77
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE, held in Long Beach, California, March 9-11, 1977. Sponsored by ASCE, Los Angeles Section;...

Pioneer Offshore LNG Terminal
Among the new offshore structures along the east coast of the United States is a terminal facility about one mile off Cove Point, Md., in Chesapeake Bay. This terminal will take deliver...

Disaster-Caused Increases in Construction Costs
When major disasters do more damage than the local building industry can repair, the resultant shortage of repair resources causes prices to escalate. Examination of the factors that affect...





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