Innovtive Designs for Low-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal Trenches
Shallow land burial of low-level nuclear wastes presents many problems that are within the scope of civil engineering analysis and design. This paper presents the results of a U. S. Nuclear...

Application of Displacement of Discontinuity Methods in Underground Mine Design
Displacement discontinuity methods for stress analysis, pioneered by Starfield and Crouch (see, for example, Starfield and Crouch, 1972; Crouch, 1976; and Crouch and Starfield, 1983),...

Probability of Stability Design of Open Pit Slopes
Uncertainty and risk have always been associated with mining. This is evidenced in the common mining terminology of proven ore, probable ore, and possible ore. From a geotechnical standpoint,...

Soil Nailing Supports Excavation
Excavation for the PPG Headquarters complex in Pittsburgh, Pa. was critical because the site is adjacent to three historically important buildings. Soil nailing, a method of in situ earth...

Critical Load Program
The elastic critical load of a structural frame is a fundamental parameter in assessing its stability. It is an upper bound to the failure load of the frame, in the same way that the Euler...

BAKWATR (3)--Computation of Gradually Varied Flow
The BAKWATR computer program computes profiles of gradually varied flow in open channels of irregular shape using a microcomputer. Channel cross sections are defined by a series of points...

Estimating Transmission Losses
Infiltration or transmission losses in ephemeral stream channels are an important part of the water balance in arid and semiarid regions. The governing equations for movement of flood...

Gains and Losses of Commingled Waters in a Stream
In a legal dispute in the State of Washington (Colville Confederated Tribes vs. Boyd Walton, Jr. , Farmer), it became necessary to determine the proportion of transmission losses sustained...

Effect of Wetted Perimeter on Infiltration in Furrows
Five empirical infiltration equations were evaluated using data from blocked infiltrometer tests with wetted perimeter values ranging from 28 to 49 cm. The results indicate that the Kostiakov...

Streamflow Losses, Consequent Flow Through a Thick Unsaturated Zone, and Recharge to an Unconfined Aquifer
Two experiments were conducted in conjunction with a 23-day aquifer test made in south-central Arizona to determine (1) water loss from a natural channel and (2) flow through a 330-foot-thick...

Modeling Flow in an Ephemeral Stream Channel
A particularly distinguishing characteristic of ephemeral streamflow is the large role played by infiltration. Infiltration interacts in a complex way with channel flow to control the...

Innovative Management in a Period of Austerity: The Glamorgan Heritage Cost Experience in the U.K.
Restraint in UK economic growth gave rise to a new countryside management approach which was non-statutory, dependent upon voluntary agreements. In essence the land remains in private...

Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Complex 2020 Master Plan
The purpose of this plan is to identify and analyze alternatives for the Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor Complex for dredging deepwater channels and developing new land area that will serve...

Implementing Mitigation Policies in San Francisco Bay: A Critique
This paper documents and evaluates 58 permits in San Francisco Bay that required the implementation of wetland restoration projects to fulfil mitigation requirements. The 58 projects are...

Stabilization of Dunes with Flexible Mattresses
Dunes, constantly moving due to influences of sea and wind, are inherently unstable and in many, if not most situations, are best left in their natural state of change. Where there is...

The Use of Thematic Mapper Data for the Identification and Analysis of Small Island Land Covers: The Case of Block Island
This paper describes the classification (unsupervised) of a portion of the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scene covering Block Island, Rhode Island and surrounding waters. The Landsat system...

Erosion of the Nile Delta Coast
The construction of the High Aswan Dam has resulted in a total absence of River Nile flow into the Mediterranean, and a corresponding loss of the sediment source for the Delta. However,...

Experimental Study on Sandbag Stability and Runup
Sandbag model tests are performed in a wave flume to examine the effects of berm-type slopes on the stability of sandbags and wave runup as compared to uniform slopes. Measurements of...

Improvement and Construction of Coastal Fishing Grounds in Japan
Development of coastal fishery has become one of the most important issue in the field of food supply. Basically, in order to promote coastal fishery, it is necessary to increase marine...

KEMCOR?A Chemical and Corrosion Resistant Piping System
KEMCOR is a new underground composite pipe system designed for chemical process use in such industries which require a high degree of corrosion resistance to varying concentrations and...





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