The Effect of Wave Grouping on the Characteristic Wave Height
Wave data from two field stations and from the laboratory tests have been analyzed. The groupiness factor is used to categorize the wave data for the discussion of the correlation between...

Taylor-Galerkin Method for Wind Wave Propagation
Recently Taylor-Galerkin method has been used to successfully solve advection-dominated flow problems. This method performs quite well in reducing numerical dissipation and numerical dispersion...

Intermittent Kinematics for Nonlinear Random Waves Near Ocean Surface
Taking into account the fluctuations of the free surface for points in the vicinity of the still water level, this study analytically calculates the first four moments of wave velocity...

Micromechanics and Effective Properties of Elastic Particulate Composites
A new micromechanical framework is proposed to investigate the effective mechanical properties of elastic particulate multiphase composites. Exact ensemble-volume averaged field equations...

Damage Dependent Micromechanics in Metal Matrix Composites
A computational approach is used herein to model the effects of processing induced thermal residual stresses on radial, hoop, and shear stresses at the fiber/matrix interface in a continuous...

Micromechanical Characterization of Damage-Plasticity in Metal Matrix Composites
A micromechanical theory of damage mechanics and plasticity is proposed for fiber-reinforced metal matrix composites. The composite system is assumed to consist of elastic, continuous...

On Distributed Processing Applications in Finite Element Analysis
Computer architectures may be classified by the relationship between their instruction and data streams (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD) and the locality of memory (shared, local). Distributed...

Aspects of Parallel Processing in Reservoir Simulation
Vectorization techniques have proved to be extremely effective for large-scale reservoir simulations. Parallel capabilities hold even greater potential for these enormous problems. Domain...

Seismic Wave Propagation by Finite Differences on the Connection Machine
Seismic modeling represents a difficult numerical challenge and consumes a significant amount of CPU time on the largest available supercomputers. With the advent of massively-parallel...

On the Role of Experimental Mechanics in Assessing the Performance of Concrete
The role of experimental mechanics in material characterization, design, construction, performance evaluation, repair, rehabilitation and finally destruction of concrete structures is...

Quantitative Stereology of Concrete Microcracking
Stereological methods enable extrapolation of quantitative microcrack characterization from two dimensions to three dimensional space. However, because these quantifying techniques are...

Fracture Surface Characterization of Concrete
The objective of this paper is to characterize fracture surfaces of concrete, with varying maximum aggregate sizes dmax, by utilizing the concept...

Experimental Determination of the Relation Between the Damaged Zone and the Aggregate Size in Concrete Through Acoustic and Mechanical Techniques
The size of aggregates in concrete has an influence on the behavior of the material. The width of the localized band can be related to this characteristic. Different experimental techniques...

Behaviour of Prestressed Concrete End Blocks
This paper briefly reports on a series of experiments carried out on strip-loaded prestressed concrete end blocks. The results show that corresponding design methods presently used in...

Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Rubber Cylinders
A simplified procedure for scaling the energy absorption characteristics of rubber cylinders during high speed impact is presented. Static and dynamic tests of scale model and full size...

Large Deformation Elastic Behavior of Low-Density Solid Foams
A strain energy function that describes the nonlinear elastic response of a three-dimensional open-cell foam is developed. A tetrahedral unit cell containing four half-struts that join...

Mechanical Characterization of the Soft Tissue in Horse Hooves
The laminar corium tissue of the equine distal digit (or horse hoof) has been tested uniaxial tension. The laminar corium tissue lies between the hoof wall and the underlying bone of the...

Rate-Dependent Plasticity Representation for Energy-Absorbing Materials
A three dimensional rate-dependent plasticity constitutive model is developed for rigid polyurethane foams. In the model, the material is decomposed into skeleton and solid matrix from...

Constitutive Modeling and Simulation of Energy Absorbing Polyurethane Foam Under Impact Loading
The compressive-stress strain response of polyurethane foam under uniaxial compressive impact loading has been studied. The development of a uniaxial constitutive model from strain rate...

Stress Transfer Within Granular Geomaterials
Local stresses within granular materials are random variables whose variance depends on the size of the elementary surface considered. This paper shows that this 'mechanical scale effect'...





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