Side Effect of the Cross-Flow Turbine: Improved Water Quality
The working principle of the Original Cross-Flow Turbine with draft tube demands air induced into the turbine housing to operate at high efficiency. Reoxygenation of water will occur,...

Mercury in Fish and Water in New Impoundments?A Review of the Literature
Evidence to date indicates that only one metal, mercury, systematically bioaccumulates to ecologically significant concentrations as a direct result of impoundment. This bioaccumulation...

Reviewing the Role of Hydropower in TVA Reservoir Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has reviewed the long term operating priorities for its reservoir system to determine the appropriate role of water quality and recreation as compared...

Deflector Plate Turbine Aeration?Case Studies
Water quality requirements have become a focal point in recent re-licensing of hydroelectric projects. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has significantly increased the relevance...

Water Quality Sampling Under Preferential Flow Conditions
Shallow wells, porous cup samplers, and wick and gravity pan lysimeters were used to observe the movement of bromide applied to the surface of a grass covered field during a 23 day period....

Percolation Lysimeters for Water Quality Sampling
A field method to measure, year-around, the quantity and quality of leachate under irrigated crops has been developed. A specific objective was to evaluate percolation lysimeters as tools...

Use of Lysimeters for Determining Characteristics of Pore Water
Lysimeters have been installed and used during the cleanup and stabilization of several former uranium processing sites in the western United States. In particular lysimeters have been...

Use of Lysimeters to Monitor a Sanitary Landfill
A vadose zone monitoring program has been developed using basin lysimeters to evaluate the environmental impacts of a sanitary waste landfill. Lysimeter systems, consisting of collection...

Herbicides in Streams: Midwestern United States
Results from a 2-year study of 149 streams geographically distributed across the corn-producing region of 10 midwestern States show that detectable concentrations of herbicides persist...

Agricultural Drainage Reuse in Agroforestry Systems
On the westside of California's San Joaquin Valley, agroforestry systems are being evaluated as a solution to the agricultural drainage problem. Eucalyptus tree plantations...

Estimation of Loading via Fingered Flow
Results of experimental investigations of fingered preferential flow are combined into a concise, conservative engineering methodology for predicting pollutant transport through fingered...

Shallow Groundwater Collection for Reuse in Irrigation
A prototype system of subsurface drains for collection of shallow groundwater and reuse of drainage water for reuse in irrigation was examined. The system involved a field with subsurface...

A Field Experiment to Evaluate the Water Quality Impacts of Agricultural Drainage and Production Practices
Many research projects are underway to address agricultural nonpoint source pollution of ground and surface waters. Many of these have the objective to develop and test models to predict...

Multiobjective Decision Theory ? Decision Support Systems with Embedded Simulation Models
The concepts of multiobjective decision making utilizing embedded computer simulation models and dimensionless scoring functions are described in the context of a decision support system...

Stream Water Quality Modeling in Ankara Metropolitan Area
At the time this study was undertaken, untreated wastewaters from Ankara metropolitan area (capital of Turkish Republic) were being discharged directly into Ankara Creek and its tributaries....

Effects of Uranium Mining, Puerco River, New Mexico
Effluent from uranium-mine dewatering and acidic water released by a tailings-pond dike failure increased radionuclide activities in streamflow in the Puerco River in New Mexico and Arizona....

Uncertainty in Pesticide Leaching Potential
Uncertainty in the pesticide leaching index AF is examined for the pesticides Atrazine and Diuron with attention to the contribution of temporal variability and estimation error in recharge....

Economic Evaluation of Farning Systems to Protect Surface and Ground Water Quality
Two approaches are discussed for evaluating the economic and environmental effects of farming systems designed to protect water quality. The scenario approach evaluates specific farming...

Impact of Nitrogen and Water Management on Ground Water Quality
Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations in shallow ground water of the Platte River Valley in Central Nebraska have been increasing since the 1950s...

Impact of Farming Systems on Water Quality in Iowa
Increased detection of nitrate and pesticides in surface and ground water has prompted concern about the impact of farming systems on water quality. A number of studies have been incorporated...





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