Rail and Road Traffic Continue During Bridge Modification
The crossing of Route 15 under the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bridge, Bangor, Maine had limited sight distance and marginal clearances. Maine Department of Transportation, therefore,...

Emerging Computer Techniques in Stormwater and Flood Management
These proceedings identify and assemble information on recent applications of mini- and microcomputer technology to problems in urban stormwater and flood management. Instrumentation and...

Flood Control
The Hamilton and Riemer reservoirs were constructed by excavating pits below grade to receive flood overflows from adjacent streams. The two reservoirs are part of a 52 sq. mile (135 km�)...

Plant Bioassay of Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminant mobility from a contaminated saltwater sediment placed in flooded and upland disposal conditions was studied in the greenhouse. Spartina alterniflora was grown in contaminated...

Aquaculture in Dredged Material Containment Areas
The beneficial use of active dredged material containment areas through aquaculture appears to offer, under certain circumstances, benefits to the Federal government, municipal and industrial...

Sedimentation Study for the Rochester, Minnesota, Flood-Control Project
In a cooperative effort, the U. S. Army Engineer District, St. Paul (NCS), and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) planned a combined flood-control project. The SCS portion of the project...

Overtopping of Flood Control Levees and Floodwalls
The risk of overtopping can be significant for flood control levees or floodwalls, and the consequences can be costly and potentially catastrophic. Designs using superiority can force...

Numerical Flood Routing for Natural Channels
A numerical model has been developed for simulating the propagation of a flood wave in a natural channel. Using this numerical model, the influence of the factors affecting the motion...

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Willow Creek Dam--To Be or Not To Be
In Heppner, Oregon, several alternatives for flood control were considered. A concrete gravity dam constructed using roller compaction methods was selected because of the greatly reduced...

Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Spillways--Summer 1983
Flood control at Glen Canyon Dam is provided by a 41-ft (12. 5-m) diameter tunnel spillway in each abutment. Each spillway is designed to pass 138,000 ft**3/sec (3907. 7 m**3/sec). The...

High Streamflow Behaviors in the Ohio River Basin
The intensity function, which describes the severity of the flood occurrences, is a critical factor in flood control and reservoir operation. It is found that the occurrence rates of high...

Hydrology for River Management: The Belle River
Crop damages in recent years prompted farmers to back an effort to clean portions of a large inter-county drain. Other groups with conflicting interests pressed for a study of the impact...

Applications of Point-Slope Reservoir Routing
The point-slope method of routing flood flow through a reservoir uses point functions rather than the time incremental functions of conventional methods. It can be used to give an accurate...

Flood Travel Time
The effects of infiltration on the flood travel time are investigated. In flood prediction, the physical domain for flood cumulation is expressed by the period of time for water to travel...

Aeration is the Solution for Sluice Cavitation Damage at Libby Dam, Montana
Cavitation has severely damaged two of the high-head flood control sluices. The damaged areas were immediately patched; however, these patches were not considered a solution to the problem....

Controlling River Ice to Alleviate Ice Jam Flooding
Many communities affected by ice jam flooding have accepted the event as unpreventable. Others have approached their problem as one of open channel flow and implemented standard projects...

Salmon River Ice Jams
The ice conditions on the river during the freeze-up period and the simple analytical model used to predict the advance of the ice cover leading edge are documented. Ice cover thicknesses...

Forecasting and Warning for Mt. St. Helens Streams
The eruption of Mt. St. Helens in southern Washington on May 18, 1980, created great devastation both by the blast itself and by mudflows generated by melting snow and ice. Several hydrologic...

Hydraulic Research--U.S. Geological Survey
Research at the Gulf Coast Hydroscience Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, is being conducted in an indoor laboratory, and an outdoor laboratory. Much of the current indoor lab research...





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