Rail and Road Traffic Continue During Bridge Modification

by B. Sharan Vijay, Dir. of Engrg.; Neill and Gunter, Inc., So. Portland, Maine,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1984, Vol. 54, Issue 3, Pg. 55-57

Document Type: Feature article


The crossing of Route 15 under the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bridge, Bangor, Maine had limited sight distance and marginal clearances. Maine Department of Transportation, therefore, proposed to reconstruct Route 15 at the crossing to improve horizontal and vertical alignment. A preliminary engineering study recommended modifying a portion of the bridge abutment to have Route 15 pass with an acceptable alignment. This included removal and reconstruction of the north abutment wingwall without any disruption to rail traffic. This was accomplished by constructing the new wing in two parts. The far end part was built first. The coffer dam to retain railroad embankment spanned between this part and the existing abutment. Excavation in front of the coffer dam was then completed and the remainder of the wing wall was constructed.

Subject Headings: Railroad bridges | Rail transportation | Bridge abutments | Traffic management | Routing (transportation) | Railroad grade crossings | Embankment dams

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