Wastewater Systems
This section discusses wastewater systems as well as their components and earthquake vulnerability. Also present is an overview of a post-earthquake investigation procedure....

Transportation System Management
This section provides an overview of transportation systems management. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of transportation systems management....

Emergency Power Systems
This section provides an overview of emergency power systems, including components and subsystems. Also present is a guide for a post-earthquake investigation of emergency power systems....

Emergency Operations Centers
This section provides an overview of emergency operations centers, including major system components and operations. Also present is a guide for performing a post-earthquake investigation...

Construction and Maintenance
The purpose of this section is to identify construction and maintenance practices that are necessary in order to ensure that the final installation of the guyed structure adheres to the...

Rehab by Helicopter
The City of San Diego's 86-year old Dulzura Conduit has been in almost continuous operation since it first opened in 1909. But by 1984 flow had been reduced to less than 15...

Saving Scotland's Busiest Bridge
The world's most extensive bridge monitoring system has been installed on Glasgow's Kingston Bridge so that the engineers can prevent collapse during a long-term...

Anatomy of a Wetland
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which administers Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, requires replacement of wetlands impacted by construction. A constructed wetland in Georgia demonstrates...

Re-engineering Cowboy Heaven (Available only in Focus on Structures Special Edition)
On a wooded hill overlooking the north end of Oklahoma City sits one of the foremost repositories of this country's Western heritage, the National Cowboy Hall of Fame. Contained...

Small Firms, Big Challenges
Does it pay to be small? Though many small engineering firms find strength in their size, others are hampered by limited resources and a specialization that diminishes their client base....

Construction Through Crude Oil
When the Hilltop Interceptor project in Cleveland confronted oil-saturated sandstone, designers had to rethink their shaft construction and support procedures. Among the hazards were volatile...

Shear-wall Retrofit
With the effects of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake still lingering and another quake looming sometime in the future, engineers faced with retrofitting the Pacific Gas & Electric...

Preserving Williamsburg's Cables
The main-cable preservation project of New York's Williamsburg Bridge has to protect the cable system for at least 100 years. After extensive field tests, engineers devised...

Lining the Line
Having succeeded in achieving dry stations and tunnels in mined construction, flexible waterproofing membranes are now being used to waterproof cut-and-cover subway stations and old, leaking...

Containing Spills and Fire
A $95 million project to consolidate five jet fuel supply facilities that serve Los Angeles International Airport is nearing completion. The project shows how codes for wastewater-treatment...

Spawning a Hydroelectric Plant
A hydroelectric facility which utilizes fishway attraction water on the Columbia River between Washington and Oregon will tap a neglected source of power and save many endangered fish...

Perfecting Bridge Inspecting
The Massachusetts Highway Department has improved the safety of its bridges and increased its productivity by using networked multimedia to gather and store a variety of data about bridges...

Accessing Atlantic City
Construction of the 2.2 million sq ft Atlantic City Convention Center is well under way. With 486,000 sq ft of exhibition space, the center and accompanying rail terminal could help restore...

Financing the Future of Storm Water
For Sarasota County, Fla., draining storm water no longer means draining municipal funds. By establishing a modern storm-water utility, the county has provided a dedicated funding source...

Environmental Site Investigation Guidance Manual
This manual, Environmental Site Investigation, was prepared as a guidance on procedures for investigating and characterizing a site that may...





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