Use of LP: An Aggregate Blending Example
The use of well known linear programs which in the past were largely confined to relatively limited mainframe usage, for the management of engineered construction is explored using a well...

Computers in the Construction Resident Office
The application of small computers to the management and control of construction projects is obvious. However, what benefits could be realized from their application in a resident office,...

Computer Estimating System-Design / Implementation
The Ball, Ball and Brosamer (BBB) Construction Company of Danville, California recognized the need to computerize their estimating process in the fall of 1981. This paper is a narrative...

Organizational Adaptation to Small Computers
The organizational changes associated with the introduction of mini- and micro-computers into firms in the construction industry is addressed in this paper. A review of the general management...

Financing and Charges for Wastewater Systems
A general overview of the current practices and procedures that should be considered for financing and charges for wastewater collection and treatment systems is presented. The publication...

Calendar: A 1985 Calendar of Bridge Photographs
Featured bridges are: Golden Gate Bridge (CA); Richmond . San Rafael Bridge (CA); Market Street Bridge (PA); Alsea Bay Bridge (OR); Longview Bridge (WA); Tyrone Bridge (KY); Newport Bridge...

Working Abroad? What About Taxes?
Highlights of the 1981 Tax Act are explained. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 was intended to simplify the calculations required to arrive at taxable income both for citizens abroad...

Inspecting Buildings During Construction: Are We Doing a Good Enough Job?
Everyone agrees that inspecting buildings during their construction is important�and that it could be done a lot better than in the past. Suggestions for improving inspection practice...

Reagan's Lopsided Energy R&D Policy: Peril to U.S. Security?
The Reagan Administration has made (or proposed) some major shifts in the country's energy policy. It believes the federal energy research and development program should be...

Constructive Suggestions for Construction Success
Perhaps the biggest reason women engineers are discouraged from the construction area is that it is still very much a man's world. A profile is presented of Celia Ruiz Tomlinson,...

Afloat on the China Sea
In the summer of 1982, the Science and Technology Commission of the People's Republic of China invited four United States tunnel experts to come to China to engage in technical...

From Wastewater to Drinking Water
The city of Denver, Colorado will experience a population increase of an estimated half million people within the next 20 years. To satisfy the anticipated demand for water in this semi-arid...

Productivity in Civil Engineering and Construction
According to one analysis, United States construction productivity has been declining for the last ten years. The percent of construction dollar volume going to research and development...

Financing Civil Works with User Fees
User fees for civil works projects insure that the primary beneficiaries of facilities pay for them. These fees are a way of imposing financial discipline on capital projects. The author...

Arizona's Statewide Pavement Management System
A pavement management system developed for Arizon's 7400-mile network of highways has resulted in a savings of $14 million in its first year and a forecast savings of $101...

Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings: The Story Behind Their Rapid Growth
In 1964, pre-engineered metal buildings accounted for 24% of new non-residential, low-rise construction. By 1981, that figure had jumped to 56%. Behind that rapid growth are some very...

Better Trained Construction Supers Would Boost Productivity
Everyone complains about poor productivity in construction. One way to improve it, says a recent Business Roundtable report, is to provide better training of first and second level supervisors....

Ports 83
The Ports '83 Specialty Conference, whose theme is Modernization, Upgrading and Repairs, covers considerations in port operations, design and construction due to obsolescence...

Coastal Structures '83
The objective of the conference Coastal Structures '83 was to develop in-depth discussion of the state-of-the-art and future needs concerning coastal structures. Design, construction,...

Analyzing Infrastructure Condition�A Practical Approach
New York City and Philadelphia are using a new method of analyzing existing data to develop sensible, economical water main replacement programs. By analyzing readily available data on...





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