Sediment Transport Modeling for the Glen-Colusa Irrigation District Fish Screen Modifications
The Glen-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) pumping plant is located on an oxbow of the Sacramento River approximately 100 miles north of Sacramento (Figure 1). The existing fish screen...

Hydrodynamic Simulations in Sediment-Carried Contaminant Modeling for the Buffalo River, New York
Accurate prediction of hydrodynamics is of great importance to modeling contaminant transport and water quality in a river and to estimating potential exposure contamination levels in...

Upper Chehalis River Pollutant Capacity and Load Allocations
Dry season water quality was evaluated in the Upper Chehalis River in western Washington state, focusing on low dissolved oxygen (DO), and using the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) process....

Drought in California: When Does It Begin and When Does it End?
California recently endured a six-year period of drought. While the public, media and control agencies like simple definitions to classify water conditions, in a state as large and varied...

Development of a Regional Atmospheric-Hydrologic Model for the Study of Climate Change in California
An integrated model of atmospheric and hydrologic processes at regional scale over California has been developed in order to translate the large scale atmospheric conditions of critical...

Mapping Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate and Pesticide Contamination in the Salinas Valley, Monterey County, California
This paper describes the approach and the associated investigation leading to the development of groundwater vulnerability maps for a critical water supply region in the Monterey County....

Comparison of Water Backwash and Brush Cleaning Systems for Vertical Panel Fish Screens
Vertical plate fish screens have been installed at a number of locations within the Pacific Northwest The vertical orientation of the screen panels requires screen cleaning systems designed...

Experimental Uncertainty and Measurement Errors in Hydraulic Engineering
The Task Committee on Experimental Uncertainty and Measurement Errors was formed to provide information and guidance on current practices used for describing and quantifying measurement...

Coastal Engineering Laboratory and Field Measurements: Some Uncertainties in Measurement
In this paper two examples of uncertainties which can occur in field measurements and measurements in coastal engineering models are examined. These examples are chosen to demonstrate...

Flooding from Rain-on-Snow Events in the Sierra Nevada
The most damaging floods in rivers of the Sierra Nevada of California have occurred during warm storms when rain fell in snow covered catchments. These large floods in the major tributaries...

Estimation of Flash Flood Potential for Large Areas
A methodology for determining the potential for flash floods in small basins within large geographical areas is presented. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology is used to...

1995: Where the Past (Paleoflood Hydrology) Meets the Present, Understanding Maximum Flooding
Paleoflood hydrology has become accepted in the scientific, engineering, and regulatory communities and increasingly is being used to complement engineering hydrology throughout the Rocky...

Potential-Scour Assessments at 130 Bridges in Iowa
A total of 130 highway bridges in Iowa were assessed for potential scour using a potential-scour index developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for a bridge-scour study in western Tennessee....

Monitoring Scour at Bridge Piers in Snohomish Co., WA
Washington State, Snohomish County Public Works Department is using a new Fixed Mechanical monitoring device, to augment its current program of monitoring scour at bridge piers. The Public...

Scour Study for Bridge Design on Temecula Creek
Channel-bed scour was studiedfor the proposed new Pala Road Bridge on Temecula Creek in Riverside County, California. In order to determine the general scour, sediment transport and potential...

Salinity and Hydraulic Issues at a Constructed Wetlands
A constructed wetlands at Boulder City, Nevada was designed to use effluent pumped from the City's wastewater treatment plant. The design was complicated by the highly permeable...

Constructed Wetlands for Metals Removal
Constructed wetlands have the potential to trap and remove metals contained in wastewater. Long term removal is expected to occur by accumulation and burial in the plant detritus in a...

South Florida Water Management District: Reconstructing the Everglades Ecosystem
Anthropogenic influences have reduced florida's Everglades over the last 140 years to a struggling remnant of its historic size and ecological potential. The State of Florida's...

Hazardous Soil Remediation: A Cooperative Effort between Industry and Government
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company's Antioch Works (Dupont) is on the San Joaquin River 30 miles east of San Francisco, California. For about 25 years, ending in 1981, Dupont...

Indianapolis Uses New Radar Technology to Refine Hyetographs for CSO Model and SSES Studies
Indianapolis is the first city in the country to install the French-developed technology designed by urban hydrologists to accurately measure rainfall between rain gauges. Installed in...





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