Sedimentation Processes in Hydrosystems, Numerical-Empirical Modeling
This paper presents the results of a newly developed computer simulation model for studying the sedimentation processes in a variety of hydrosystems. The most effective numerical methodology...

Solving Stormwater Drainage Problems Through an Area Drainage Master Study Program
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona, is the floodplain and stormwater management agency for the most densely populated county in the State. A major new tool being used...

Precipitation Analysis in Clark County, Nevada
The Clark County, Nevada Department of Public Works retained Black & Veatch in March 1985 to conduct a study of the Flamingo Wash and to recommend flood protection facilities,...

Use of Continuous Simulation Versus the Design Storm Concept for Water Quality
The validity of the design storm concept has been challenged by several investigators since the development of computer simulation models. Of particular interest are the studies that compare...

Outlet Structure Hydraulics
Current detention basin design procedure is to design the outlet structure for two or more return periods. This is sometimes done by combining weirs and/or orifices of various sizes and...

An Optimization Approach for Locating Sediment Ponds in Stripmined Areas
In this study, a mathematical model which can predict erosion from a watershed and incorporated into an optimization model has been investigated. The Erosion-Deposition Model (EDM), which...

Optimization, Simulation and Multiobjective Analysis of Operating Rules for Reservoir Systems
In this paper, three steps are proposed for establishing reservoir operating rules which can be used in real-time without flow forecasting. In the first step, optimization models are used...

Water Resources Systems Planning: Differential Dynamic Programming Models
A Monte Carlo optimization methodology is presented for water resources systems. The planning model define the optimal storage and release policies for the reservoir system. The optimization...

Air-Water Oxygen Transfer at Spillways and Hydraulic Jumps
Dissolved oxygen measurements are reported for seven spillway structures in the vicinity of Minneapolis, Minnesota, corresponding to 27 individual surveys. The surveys are taken during...

On-Site Microcomputer Control of a Combined Sewer Overflow Diversion Structure
This paper describes the design of an inexpensive system for controlling combined sewer overflows using on-site equipment (raingauges, flow gauges, automatic gates, and microcomputers)....

Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control in Irrigated Agriculture
Basin irrigating rice can reduce suspended sediment loads in water because the basins serve as sediment retention basins. Furrow erosion causes significant suspended sediment loads in...

Verification of a Supply Reliability Model
Three versions of an analytical model for estimating the reliability of a water supply system including capacity components and small amounts of finished water storage are presented. Simplifying...

Model for Optimal-Risk Based Water Distribution Network Design
Various models using a variety of optimization techniques were developed for determining pipe diameters, network layout, pump capacities, and other design parameters. The objective function...

Coupling of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models
Long term, multi-dimensional water quality modeling in estuaries and coastal embayments using a directly linked hydrodynamic and water quality model can be prohibitively expensive. In...

The Effect of Storms on Pollution Loading Estimates
A rather extensive field and modeling program is underway in the Sandusky Bay/Nearshore region of Lake Erie and the objective of this paper is to summarize the preliminary results of a...

Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach to Modeling Contaminants
A Lagrangian-Eulerian modeling approach predicts potential contaminant distributions resulting from the disposal of sewage sludge at the Deepwater Municipal Disposal Site off the northeast...

A Unified Hydrodynamic-Water Quality Model
To understand the cause-effect relationships controlling water quality in dynamically narrow estuaries, a time dependent branching, laterally averaged (longitudinal and vertical) hydrodynamic...

NID Water Supply and Hydropower Operation Model
A basic requirement of CH2M HILL's Raw Water Master Plan for Nevada Irrigation District (NID) was to determine the dependable water supply available from the District's...

Multivariate Modeling of Hydrological Time Series for Generation of Reservoir Operating Rules
A multivariate model and a disaggregation model are used in this study to generate annual and monthly time series of streamflow data for multiple sites. The parameters of the models are...

Reservoir System Simulation Through Network Flow Programming
A generalized reservoir system simulation model that makes use of a network flow programming technique has been developed for use in planning and operation studies of multi-purpose water...





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