Multiple Objectives, Uncertainty and Routing Decisions for Hazardous Materials Shipments
Explicit consideration of multiple objectives and uncertainty is important in hazardous materials transportation, particularly in regulating routes or making routing decisions. Application...

Using Finite Element Analysis to Derive the Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction
The coefficient subgrade reaction is a concept used to generate spring constants which are commonly used to model the foundation subgrade in the analysis of mat foundations. This paper...

A Constraint-Based Composites Design Advisor
Most engineering problems, because they involve mathematical relations (constraints) on real valued quantities (objects), can be reduced to constraint networks. The authors speculate that...

Cycletime Simulation of Shield-Tunneling Operation
Computer simulation...

Neural Network Learning in Structural Engineering Applications
Neural networks based on the backpropagation learning algorithm have been used in a number of structural engineering applications. The paper classifies the different types of relationships...

Model-Based and Interactive Planning for Predictive Plant Maintenance Management
Maintenance of process in power plants represents about 30% of the operating cost of these plants, including the cost of repair labor, materials and out side services but not the cost...

Invasion of the Zebra Mussels
At first glance, the zebra mussel looked like doom for freshwater users in the Great Lakes: small, hardy, incredibly prolific European mollusks with an affection for freshwater intakes...

How to Get Local Public Works Agencies to Use Structured Infrastructure Management Approaches
As more agencies consider adopting infrastructure management systems, the lessons learned in developing and supporting the use of current systems should be used to structure the support...

Reliability Assessment of Concrete Pavement Sawing
Traditional concrete pavement design sometimes realize on qualitative decision based on experience, with concrete pavement sawing operations representing a specific case in point. presently,...

Infrastructure Repair with Polymer Composite Using Recycled Plastics
Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, mainly recovered from plastic beverage bottles, can be used to produce unsaturated polyester resins. Polymer concrete (PC) made with these resins...

High-Tech Landfill Caps
Just as federal and state regulations detail every aspect of landfill location, construction and operation, they now detail every aspect of its design closure. A typical municipal solid...

Shotcrete for Underground Support VI
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Shotcrete for Underground Support VI Conference held in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, May 2-6, 1993. It covers three broad...

Petroleum Imports and Coastal Zone Management
With its growing net petroleum import position, the U.S. must accept continued dependence on tankers plying its coastal areas. Tankers also carry product exports, of course, a critical...

Results from Minerals Management Service Funded Oil Spill Response Research 1991-1993
Large oil spills from tankers have reaffirmed the need for continuing technology assessment and research to improve oil spill response capabilities. This paper discusses Minerals Management...

Recovery of Shoreline Ecosystems Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and Subsequent Treatment
High-pressure, hot-water washing was evaluated as one of several countermeasures for cleaning oiled shorelines. This was the primary treatment method for nearly all treated shorelines...

State Implementation and Enforcement of the Alaska Coastal Management Program
Section 306 the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1992 required participating states to develop a means to implement and enforce their coastal programs. The Alaska Coastal Management Act,...

Guidelines for Digital Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps
New national and international requirements for oil spill planning and response capabilities include identification and mapping of fish and wildlife resources and oil-sensitive habitats....

HAZMAT?Protecting Coastal Resources from Pollution Emergencies
As we've seen over the years, pollution from accidental spills and hazardous waste sites can harm the coastal environment. What can be done? A critical step towards ameliorating the problem...

Sonoma Baylands: Creating an Environmental Benefit Out of the San Francisco Bay Dredging Crisis
The dredging of shipping channels and ports in San Francisco Bay has reached a crisis. Continued disposal of dredge material in the bay is controversial and an ocean disposal site is not...

The National Estuary Program: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Management Conference Process
The National Estuary Program (NEP) is a federal program administered by the Environmental Protection Agency which develops Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans (CCMPs) for estuaries...





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