Local Scour Under Waves Oblique to Current
Local scour around a cylindrical pile subjected to waves oblique to current was experimentally studied in a laboratory flume with a wave generator. The mode of wave-current interaction...

Techniques for Measuring Flow and Sediment Parameters Near the Bed in Estuaries
The collection of accurate and meaningful field data is often the key to successful description and prediction of natural processes. The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Computation of Supercritical Flow in Open Channels
The use of two explicit, shock-capturing, finite-difference schemes, Lax and MacCormack, for the solution of two-dimensional shallow-water equations in steady, supercritical flow is investigated....

Nontidal Exchange Processes at the Chesapeake Bay Entrance
Magnitudes of gravitational and meteorologically-driven exchange at the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay are compared using current measurements, numerical model runs and subtidal volume...

Estimation of Navigation-Dam Discharge in Illinois
Techniques were used to estimate discharge for the Brandon Road Dam on the Des Plaines River and the Dresden Island, Marseilles, and Starved Rock Dams on the Illinois River in northern...

Comparison of Some River Discharge Calculation Methods
To measure the discharge of a river, it is necessary to develop a stage-discharge curve based on water velocity at various cross sections of the river. This is the method which is used...

Comparison of Surge and Continuous Flow Irrigation in California
With the closure of the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge to drainwater disposal and the pending limits on tailwater flows to the San Joaquin River, decreasing deep percolation is of...

Tailwater Management with Surge Irrigation
Field data of surge irrigation has shown that, in the post-advance stage, there exists an optimum post-advance cycle time. Cycle time greater than or less than the optimum post-advance...

Investigation of Main Supply Canal and Lateral Fluctuations
The Imperial Irrigation District and the U. S. Water Conservation Laboratory of Phoenix, Arizona are conducting a joint project to study the causes and effects of water level fluctuations...

Optimizing a Minimum Instream Flowby
The Commonwealth of Virginia is currently investigating methods to establish minimum instream flow requirements which may be applied to flow allocations statewide. The Crump Creek Reservoir...

Mesonets--A Solution to Improving Flood Forecasting
Floods continue to cause major destruction annually despite the efforts of Federal water resources agencies. Improved flood forecasts can reduce flood damages and corresponding loss of...

Interagency Standards for Automated Local Flood Warning Systems
The need exists for establishing guidelines and standards for aspects of local flood warning systems. The demand for increased flood warning systems is expected to increase due to the...

Estimating Low-Flow Frequencies of Ungaged Streams in New England
Equations to estimate low flows were developed using multiple-regression analysis with a sample of 48 river basins, which were selected from the U. S. Geological Survey's...

Some New Snyder Type Coefficients for Small Watersheds
Data collected on the Goodwin Creek watershed has produced a continuous hydrologic record from 37 rain gages and runoff record from 14 runoff stations within a drainage area of 8. 26 sq...

Changing Hydrology - The Middle Mississippi River
Observed daily flow and stage at major stream gages on the middle Mississippi River are numerically and graphically analyzed to quantify and illustrate the magnitude and seasonality of...

Measuring the Spatial Characteristics of Unsteady Pressures
This paper has reviewed current methods of determining spatially-averaged time-varying wind loads on wind tunnel building models. Some of the possibilities opened by simultaneous multi-channel...

Coastal Hydrodynamics
This book includes papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference on Coastal Hydrodynamics Conference, at the University of Delaware, June 28-July 1, 1987. The papers review the state...

A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...

Considerations in Applying the 1985 HCM Procedures
The paper examines the impact of critical assumptions in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) procedures on the resulting measures of effectiveness -- volume/capacity ratio, delay, and...

Evaluation of Sediment Transport and Friction Factor Equations Using MOBED
Three sediment transport rate equations and the same number of friction factor equations for mobile boundary channel flows were evaluated using a mobile boundary flow model called MOBED....





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