Reducing the Long-Term Effects of Zero-Gravity
Maintaining the physical health of scientists has been a longstanding problem in space flight research. Several ideas have been proposed to solve this problem. These include creating artificial...

Living in Space
Living in space will be the key project for the survival of the human species in the future. The world is becoming more polluted, suffering under the lack of living space, and if people...

The Effect of Zero Gravity on Bones
Zero-gravity has created many problems for astronauts and researchers in space. Calcium depletion is cited as a major health problem. There are many different theories as to why zero-gravity...

For the Realization of Lunar Concrete
Since most of the raw materials required to make concrete exist in lunar rocks and soils, concrete is considered as one of the most suitable materials for lunar structures. Author's research...

Production of Lunar Concrete Using Molten Sulfur
A study has been undertaken by the authors and supported by NASA to study the feasibility of using lunar regolith with different binders such as molten sulfur, epoxy or hydraulic cement...

Space Exploration: Getting a Handle on Why?
The two prominent economic issues facing the U.S. today are competitiveness and the huge federal deficit. Economics being the counter-intuitive science that it is, a reasonable exploration...

Methodology for Comparing Lunar Settlement Designs
This paper examines a methodology used to compare divergent lunar settlement proposals. It is suggested that the methodology be added to other selection tools for determining which is...

Thermal Regeneration of Spent Lithium Hydroxide
Exploration of planetary surfaces will require portable life-support systems to provide a continuous supply of breathable air. These systems will need to be regenerable in order to support...

A Generic Inflatable Structure for a Lunar/Martian Base
The first steps in the human expansion into space, which inevitably will occur during the next century, consist of the establishment of a human-tended base on the Moon followed by human...

Carbon Formation Theory for Space Oxygen Processes
Production of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere or lunar soil and the recovery of oxygen in manned space environments may include carbon formation from CO as a unit process. Thermodynamic...

Transfer Vehicle Sizing for Missions to Mars
The purpose of this study is to analyze the interactions between mission and vehicle design parameters, and determine how the selection of a particular trajectory and transit time affects...

A Space Suit for Productive and Safe Extravehicular Activity (EVA)
An innovative space suit called the Command/Control Pressure Suit (CCPS) is described in terms of productivity and safety. Conceived as a cockpit for Extravehicular Activity (EVA), the...

Spacecab: A Concept for Commercial Human Spaceflight
This paper will describe the Spacecab conceptual design and operational scenario. Spacecab is not necessarily a unique design solution but it does illustrate a design philosophy that differs...

A Dome For the 21st Century
Putting a circular dome on a square building--the classical architectural design challenge--takes on new proportions at the Federal Building and Courthouse in Charleston, W. Va. The 170...

Debating Steel - Connection Design
The debate about responsibility for structural-steel-connection design is among the hottest engineering disputes of our generation. Meetings have been held on the subject, articles written...

Preserve and Protect
Historic and landmark structures constructed of unreinforced masonry and stone are among the most vulnerable to strong ground shaking and are often subject to possible collapse. For the...

Safety Assessment of a Chemical Reactor Vessel
The potential explosion loadings on a chemical reactor vessel is described in this paper. The potential loads presented provide a basis for designing spherical storage vessels which will...

The Inelastic Response of an Offshore Platform in Hurricane Andrew
Amoco's Gulf of Mexico South Timbalier 161A platform took a direct hit from Hurricane Andrew in August of 1992, experiencing loads which far exceeded its design load. The platform had...

Nonlinear Collapse of Offshore Jacket Structures
The Joint Industry Tubular Frames Project was established with ten oil industry sponsors to investigate the reserve and residual strength of frames typical of offshore structures. To date...

Concrete Buildings in Regions of High Seismicity
Structural systems for multistory concrete buildings in regions of high seismicity are reviewed. The suitability and certain practical aspects of the systems are discussed. A Uniform Building...





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