Comparison of Peak Discharges of Hydrologic Models
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the predictive capabilities of hydrologic models in estimating the magnitudes and frequencies of flood peaks by comparing them with the values...

Unit Hydrograph Relationships for Small Urban Texas Watersheds
Snyder's unit hydrograph methods are used in a HEC-1 multiple sub-area routing model where the sub-area sizes average one to two square miles in size. However, the Snyder's...

Hydrograph Timebase
Based on the study of a large number of hydrographs, a graphic solution is presented whereby the length of the hydrograph timebase can be directly read from the proposed graphic solution...

Kissimmee River: Engineering Approaches for Restoration
The Kissimmee River, located in central Florida, was channelized for flood control during the 1960s. Movements by environmental interest groups have produced strong sentiment to restore...

The TENN-V Storm Hydrograph Simulation Model
TENN-V is a computerized, lumped, non-linear stormwater hydrograph simulation model for small unregulated watersheds. The applicability of TENN-V is best established in watersheds of less...

Runoff Simulation, Homestake II Project
Wetlands issues raised in connection with the proposed Homestake II Project required an extremely detailed evaluation of basin hydrology. The Subalpine Water Balance Model (WATBAL) was...

Kankakee Dam Discharge Characteristics
The low-head dam on the Kankakee River has flashboards which are installed as the discharge decreases in early summer, to maintain the upstream pool level. In response to concern over...

A Measure of Reservoir Efficiency
The notion of reservoir efficiency is defined for a water supply reservoir operated according to the standard policy, that is, one where the release is constant whenever physically possible....

Scour Downstream of the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests made to determine the effect of high tailwater and long duration flows on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin are presented in this paper. Results are presented...

The Life and Science of R. A. Bagnold
The purpose of this paper is to highlight and honor the exciting life and many significant contributions made by Brigadier Ralph A. Bagnold to our understanding of hydraulics and sediment...

Parameter Estimation for Multiphase Porous Media Systems
Parameter estimation for multiphase flow in porous media involves estimation of nonlinear functional relationships. These include the capillary pressure - saturation relation and the relative...

Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation in Groundwater
Model parameters have to be estimated from historical input-output observations using inverse procedures of parameter identification. Unfortunately, because of the limitation of the quantity...

One-Dimensional Modeling of Dam-Break Flow
R.W. MacCormack method is used for the numerical integration of Saint Venant equations to simulate the propagation of one-dimensional dam-break wave. The computed water levels are compared...

Hydrodynamic Modeling of Shallow Lagoons and Lakes
There exist many shallow lagoons and lakes in Florida. With an average depth of 3 meters or less, circulation and transport within these water bodies are significantly influenced by the...

An Approach for Modeling the Upper Chesapeake Bay
To resolve the bay geometry with a minimum number of grid points, boundary-fitted coordinates are employed. A major question is how to prescribe tidal boundary conditions at the Bay Bridge...

Task Committee Activities on Microcomputer Software in Urban Hydrology
This Task Committee of the Surface Water Hydrology Committee has been established with the primary objective of developing an inventory of presently available software and to recommend...

Urban Drainage Calculation Limits for Small Areas
This paper discusses the selection and application of hydrologic techniques in the design of stormwater facilities, with particular emphasis on the selection of hydrologic procedure for...

Microcomputer Capability: Practitioners' Perspective
Leading practitioners in the water resources engineering field want new graduates who are well grounded in fundamentals and are computer literate. The needs of leading practitioners are...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Flow and Quality Simulation of a Proposed Marina Development
A proposed off-channel marina development on the Sacramento River in California requires landfill in an area that is currently within the flood plain. Two dimensional computer models for...





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