Streamflows Prediction Models for the Colombian Generation System Considering El Ni?o Effect
A monthly and a daily prediction models for some Colombian rivers with hydropower developments were developed and implemented. Several monthly streamfiow prediction models are presented....

Soil Water Chemistry of Irrigation with Drainwater
The use of drainwater for irrigation was demonstrated as a management option that reduces net farm drainage and provides control over water quality (O'Brien and Guitjens,...

Hydraulic Effects of Habitat Structures in Flood Control Channels
Three field sites have been established and laboratory flume experiments begun to assess the effect of habitat enhancement measures on water-surface profiles and local scour in flood control...

Identifying Trends from Streamflow Records?A Case Study
Historical streaniflow records for the Ruby River, in southwestern Montana were analyzed for trends and for changes in the precipitation-runoff relationship. Trends were first identified...

On Conductivity of Soils with Preferential Flow Paths
Laboratory soil column experiments were conducted to study the distribution of preferential flow paths resulting from removal of colloidal size clay particles. These experiments specifically...

A Comparative Study of the Transformed Methods for Solving Richards' Equation
The Richards' equation represents the movement of water in both saturated and unsaturated porous medium. The numerical solution to this equation is difficult because the algebraic...

Design of the Inlet/Outlet Tower for the Eastside Reservoir Project
The Eastside Reservoir is currently being constructed near Hemet, California, by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. When completed in 1999, water will enter and be...

Evaluation of System Downstream Control
System downstream control (SDC) has been developed to optimally and automaticaly control canal systems. The objective of system downstream control is to maintain a reference water depth...

Guist Creek Dam Spillway Upgrade: A Maze (Labyrinth) of Difficulties
Any dam that holds back a large quantity of water is potentially dangerous. Some dams are more of a threat than others, especially those with human populations and valuable property in...

Inundation Studies in Case of Failure of King Talal Dam
In this paper a brief description of the studies is presented and the computed results are summarized. During running the program, several difficulties were encountered. These problems...

Earth Spillway Design Using SITES Software
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service has, recently released new software for the design and analysis of water resource structure sites. This software, SITES, is based on the...

Alachlor Transport in Laboratory Soil Columns
Spraying of agricultural chemicals result in their travel downward through the unsaturated zone and adsorption to the surrounding soil. Infiltration from rainfall and irrigation solubilize...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Mitigation
Wetland mitigation demands a multi-disciplinary engineering approach, and a systematic collection, evaluation and analysis of data. The design of a constructed wetland addresses these...

Development of the San Joaquin County Hydrology Manual
A hydrology manual was prepared for the County of San Joaquin, California for the determination of storm runoff quantities for the design of flood management facilities, floodplain analysis,...

Expected Moments Alogrithms for Flood Frequency Analysis
The Expected Moments Algorithm (EMA) is a new but conceptually simple approach for the treatment of nontraditional data in flood frequency analysis. Nontraditional data includes censored...

Modeling Groundwater Contaminant by Unstructured FVM
This study focuses on the numerical solution of the integral form of transport equation on unstructured grids. The algorithm is developed in direct finite volume concept and constructed...

Discussions of a 3D Numerical Simulation of Transient Regional Groundwater Flow and Transport
A 3D numerical model of a groundwater flow and transport was developed to study the movement of radionuclides in the Savannah River Nuclear Site, South Carolina. The modeling effort has...

Delineating Subsurface Contamination Using Geostatistical and Non-Intrusive Geophysical Methodologies
Electromagnetic (EM) conductivity surveys are becoming a more practiced technique in screening for contamination of soil and groundwater. This non-intrusive geophysical approach detects...

Combined Flood Hazard Mitigation Techniques for Comprehensive Planning? The Saugus River Coastal Flood Risk Reduction Plan
The development of an alternative Coastal Flood Risic Reduction Plan for the Saugus River was initiated by the Executive Office of Environinental Affairs (EOEA) of Massachusetts in April...

Systems for Forecasting Flows and Their Uncertainty
Discussed are design issues of distributed systems for operational flow forecasting. Results of sensitivity analyses are presented which illustrate forecast flow dependence on model discretization...





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