Verification of the Princeton Transport Code (PTC)
The Princeton Transport Code (PTC) is a quasi-three dimensional groundwater flow and transport code. PTC is implemented using a splitting algorithm that allows the three-dimensional solution...

Sophisticated Computer Tools for Water Management
Sophisticated new computer tools were applied to develop a water management plan for Nassau County, Long Island. A regional groundwater flow model and two 3-dimensional saltwater intrusion...

Design Flow Estimates for Catchments in El Dorado County, CA
A hydrologic model consisting of a rainfall-runoff model and a set of design storms is proposed for design flow calculation in El Dorado County, California. The rainfall-runoff model will...

Application of a Density-Dependent Flow and Transport Model to a Coastal Aquifer System
A three-dimensional density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport model for a coastal region in east-central Florida is presented. The model covers an area of approximately 2900...

Verification Tests for Transport Modeling in Coastal Aquifers
The U.S. Geological Survey three dimensional Heat and Solute Transport (HST3D) model is used to simulate fate and transport of dissolved contaminant in coastal aquifers. The model originally...

Flow Augmentation in the Fenholloway River Basin
Methods to enhance water quality were examined in a north Florida river basin containing industrial wastewater effluent from a paper pulp mill. Streamflow augmentation was determined to...

Large Flood Plains Modeling by a Cell Scheme: Application to the Pantanal of Mato Grosso
The computational modeling of large flood plains presents difficulties related to the mathematical approach of the phenomenon and also to the discretization of the area under study. In...

Strategies to Preserve Endangered Salmon in the Columbia River
The recent listing of some Snake River salmon stocks as threatened and endangered has forcefully brought Pacific Northwest resource interests together to seek solutions to preserve the...

Impact of Surge Irrigation on Furrow Water Advance
Surge irrigation was compared to continuous flow in Nebraska from 1983 - 1990. As a result of surge irrigation, advance inflow times were reduced an average of 20 percent compared to continuous...

Modeling the Distinction Between Regional Flow and Flow to Drains
Previous research at the Newlands Agricultural Research Center, in Fallon, Nevada, suggests that the quality of the water flowing to the 15 subsurface drain laterals in related to the...

Distribution of Stable Isotopes in Ground Water in the Rialto-Colton Basin, California
Since 1982, imported water originating in the Sierra Nevada has been used to recharge the Rialto-Colton ground-water basin, about 100 km east of Los Angeles. Stable isotopes of oxygen...

Ground Water Management for Wellhead Protection in a Confined to Semiconfined Aquifer, Salt Lake County, Utah
The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established the first nation-wide program to protect ground water resources used for public water supplies. The SDWA seeks to...

Overland Flow Resistance Estimation from Small-Plot Data
The correct application of physical process models, such as the kinetic wave approximation to shallow overland flow, is dependent upon selection of appropriate values for parameters which...

Development of a Selenium TMDL for the San Joaquin River
The objective of this study is to devise a user-friendly, reliable method to calculate a screening-level 'Total Maximum Daily Load' (TMDL) for the San Joaquin River and similar western...

CPIVOT v 2.0 Center Pivot Analysis and Design Software
A micro-computer based software package is presented which can be used for hydraulic design and/or analysis of center pivot irrigation systems. The software is written in C and requires...

Flow Simulation for Surface Irrigation Design
Experience shows that even the most sophisticated and accurate computer models of the surface-irrigation process will not be widely used by design agencies unless they manifest a certain...

Streamflow Depletions for Water Transfers in Utah
All inter- or intra-state transfers of Utah water rights must be accomplished by application and receive the approval of the Utah State Engineer. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Streamflow Depletions Considered in Water Transfers
In the State of Colorado, streamflow depletions are defined as that amount of water diverted to beneficial use minus return flows to the stream system. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Streamflow Depletions Resulting from Ground Water Transfers
An application to move the point of diversion of a quasi-municipal ground water right from about 4.8 km to a second well about 0.3 km from a river channel was made in the Reno/Sparks,...

Availability Analysis of Irrigation Systems for Improved Management
Availability of an irrigation system is defined as the ratio of time of successful system operation to total desired operation time. Operation is successful when the flow rate of water...





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