Management Responses to Technical Uncertainty
Recent attention to management and regulation of contaminated waste materials has served to heighten awareness of the role of technical uncertainty in regulatory decisionmaking. Two distinct,...

Sewage Trapping by Water Parcels in Puget Sound
Sewage effluent entering Puget Sound, Washington, often becomes trapped in discrete parcels of water. The parcels are easily identifiable in vertical density profiles as layers of well-mixed...

Drift of Floatable Materials in Puget Sound
Cost-effective methods for predicting the fate of surface borne (floatable) materials and contaminants have been applied successfully within Puget Sound. Several preferred areas for the...

Environmental Impacts from Treated Ballast Water Discharge into Port Valdez, Alaska
A ballast water treatment plant has operated on the south shore of Port Valdez, Alaska since 1977. In recent years the plant processed, on the average, nearly 51,000 m**3 of the ballast...

The Impact of Suburbanization on an Urban River
A case study of the impacts of suburbanization on the water quality of an urban river was completed to detail the various impacts of suburbanization on the culture, economy and environment...

Rocky Habitat Mitigation Using Artificial Reefs in Puget Sound, Washington
In Puget Sound, Washington, artificial reefs are being studied to determine their potential to mitigate for man-caused degradation of rocky habitat. These studies demonstrate the biological...

Oil and Krill: From Lab to Nature
Bioassay tests were conducted on Arctic krill, the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii, using water-soluble fractions of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska crude oil. Experimental results indicated that larval...

Restoring of Butcher's Slough Estuary?A Case History
A 30-acre parcel of former lumber and plywood mills occupying original estuary and salt marsh wetlands on the northern edge of Humboldt Bay, Humboldt County, north coastal California,...

Enhancing Diked Wetlands in Coastal California
Significant areas of wetland in coastal California are diked off from full tidal action. These areas retain considerable value as wetland, and their management and enhancement present...

Prospects for Wetlands Use in Stormwater Management
It is well established that wetlands under certain circumstances improve water quality. There is a limited literature on the long-term effects of using freshwater wetlands for stormwater...

Background to Petroleum Development in Santa Barbara County
This discussion introduces several papers which examine solutions to challenges posed to local agencies by ongoing development of offshore petroleum resources. Innovative solutions have...

Major Issues Associated with Offshore Petroleum Development
Santa Barbara County has been confronted with a host of significant issues related to offshore oil and gas development, including: the extent and limitations of local control over development;...

Joint Review Panels ? A Cooperative Approach
The Joint Review Panel (JRP) developed out of a need to address the interests of various agencies on a local, state and federal level which have permit jurisdiction over offshore oil and...

Mitigation of Impacts Associated with Oil and Gas Development Projects
The large scale oil and gas development occurring in Santa Barbara County has the potential to cause extensive environmental impacts on many resources within the county. The county has...

Innovative Approaches to Mitigating Cumulative Impacts
Faced with rapid acceleration in offshore oil and gas development, Santa Barbara County has advanced the recognition, evaluation, and mitigation of cumulative impacts. The County's...

Innovative Techniques in Permit Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
The development of offshore petroleum resources has brought extensive onshore industrial development to Santa Barbara County. The County's chief mechanism for requiring project...

Hurricane Damage Mitigation Planning
A variety of responses are available to reduce or mitigate the destructive forces of hurricanes. This paper is a summary of the plans developed for Long Island to help prepare the coastal...

Coastal Flood Control Facility Design Parameters
The development of design parameters for a storm runoff detention facility located on lowlands adjacent to an estuary and discharging into the tidal zone are discussed. The parameters...

Developing Findings of Fact for a Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Plan for the City of Waldport/Alsea Bay Area, Lincoln County, Oregon
Marine erosion attributed to the effects of the 1983 El Nino resulted in the loss of the distal tip of Alsea Spit in 1985 enlarging Alsea Bay inlet by 300% and subjecting the City of Waldport...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program in Alaskan Coastal Areas
The Alaska District Regulatory Program has jurisdiction for the entire State of Alaska. There are more than 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles) of coastline and numerous inland waterways...





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