Advanced Chemigation Systems for Environmental Safety and Groundwater Protection
A multifunction irrigation system has been developed which utilizes a separate dynamic in-canopy nozzle system for chemical application. Testing the system with a lithium tracer on four...

Drip Irrigation for a College Container Nursery
A drip irrigation system was installed by students during the summer of 1987 at the Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, Wooster. The goals of this project were for...

Furrow Irrigation Performance Using Real Time Control
Computer simulations were conducted, using a simple feedback control algorithm, to determine the potential for improvement of irrigation performance using real-time feedback control. Field...

Needed Social, Cultural and Design Changes to Successfully Manage Nigerian Surface Irrigated Projects
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the broad nature of problems associated with the faulty initial designs of water distribution network and irrigation methods and poor participartion...

Conveyance Characteristics of Natural Channels in Wyoming
This paper addresses the quantification of instream or conveyance losses of water being transported within natural stream systems in Wyoming using a net total loss and incremental loss...

Groundwater, Technology, and Society
Water management is a multi-dimensional process. Its measures are technology, institutions and society's desires. For a management strategy to be implementable, it must accommodate...

A Method for `Warped Surface' Land Forming Design
Most approaches to land forming are based on a plane surface design which in some cases may result in prohibitive costs or excessive removal of top soil....

Computer Spreadsheet Applications to Small Site Drainage Engineering
The computer spreadsheet provides the drainage engineer with a simple, efficient, and adaptable tool for modeling drainage engineering problems. Engineering applications include runoff...

Economic Analysis of Canal Animal Protection Measures
Justification of canal animal protection measures has been, to a degree, driven by environmental and social constraints and as a result, large expenditures of funds to protect ungulates...

Diagnostic Strategies of an Expert System for Simulating Snowmelt Runoff
An expert system, EXSRM, is being developed for an existing and well tested snowmelt runoff model. The expert system assists an unfamiliar user in setting up the model to run and then...

Cotton Response to High Frequency Irrigation
Three cotton production tests irrigated with the Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) system were conducted from 1985 through 1987 on the Texas High Plains. Cotton treatments were irrigated...

A Comprehensive Tool for Tile Drainage Planning
The objective of the project is to design and develop a set of software tools, building on existing models and computer-assisted procedures, known as an Advanced Decision Support System...

Use of the Penman Equation in Inter-Mountain Valleys
H.L. Penman equation as well as the J.L. Monteith version of this equation were compared under the advective conditions of the Grand Valley of Colorado. The wind function in the general...

Proposed Improvements in Lateral Canal Operations
Uniform and flexible supplies of irrigation water are required for farmers to make the best use of their on-farm application systems. Results of a study of deliveries at the lateral canal...

Control of Surge Pressures in Irrigation Systems
Excessively high or low pressure within an irrigation system can result in damage to pipelines, pumps, valves, and on-farm facilities. Frequently, these pressure variations are caused...

Random Characteristics of Sediment-Laden Flows and the Techniques of Effective Sediment Exclusion on Dujiangyan Irrigation Project in China
The irrigation system is over 2,200 years old and discharges water at a rate of 340-740 m3/s from the Minjiang River. The average slope of the river...

Dam Seepage Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence
The paper discusses an interactive advanced decision support system (ADSS) which is being applied to analyzing seepage from embankment dams. The development of a prototype knowledge base,...

What is an Expert System?
Expert systems are probably the predominant area of artificial intelligence (AI) since the technology has a wide degree of application today. Expert systems function primarily on the concept...

Personal Consultant Series a Step by Step Guide
The paper discusses the Texas Instruments' Personal Consultant Series of expert system development tools, a versatile set of compatible tools for the expert system developer....

Expert Systems Water Management: A Demonstration
Expertise is one of the major assets of the Bureau of Reclamation. However, with the current downward trend in government funding, the Bureau is facing an 'expertise crisis'....





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