After Action Report 1983 California Coastal Storms
The winter of 1982-1983 saw some dramatic changes in the worldwide weather patterns that have been attributed to the anomaly known as El Nino. During that winter California was attacked...

Prior Planning for Post-Hurricane Reconstruction
Planning for hurricane emergencies has focused upon the period immediately before and after the storm's arrival, emphasizing evacuation and disaster relief. Mitigation of...

Constraints on the Use of Development Management to Reduce Coastal Storm Hazards
This paper has presented some important information about perceived constraints to the enactment and effective implementation of development management measures to reduce coastal storm...

Impacts of Severe Storms on Beach Vegetation
In the winter of 1982/1983 the southern California coastline was subjected to a series of storms. High tides in conjunction with high swells reshaped beach topography in many areas. One...

Foreshore Treatment as a Method of Coastal Protection
This paper describes the damages sustained by a small section of the Vancouver, British Columbia coastline during the passage of a storm in December, 1982. This stretch of protected coastline...

The Recovery of Monterey Bay Beaches After the Winter Storms of 1982-83
The El Nino conditions of 1982 and 1983 produced unusually frequent and intense storms along the central California coast. These storms produced much greater than normal beach erosion...

Beach Erosion Mechanics
Beach erosion along the coasts affects economic, political and conservation conditions. This paper defines the mechanics of the Coriolis Effect, caused by earth spin, along with storm...

The Statistics of Storm-Induced Sediment Resuspension
The passage of a storm increases the wind stress applied to the sea surface. This surface stress is partially dissipated as it is transmitted through the water column. Some fraction of...

Equilibrium Beach Profiles: Prediction of Coastal Erosion Due to Severe Storms
This paper describes a method that calculates coastal erosion due to severe storms. The equilibrium beach profile concept used in this study was developed by Swart. The agreement between...

Quantifying Florida's Coastal Storm Wave Susceptibility
A simple computer model capable of describing potential storm wave inundation and damage along Florida's sandy beaches is described from first principles. Model STORMWAVE...

Hurricane Diana: Impact on Coastal Development
Hurricane Diana affected the coast of North Carolina during the period of September 11-14, 1984. Builders, designers, building officials and insurance adjusters responded to a written...

A German Multi Purpose Offshore Diking Project and its Effects on the Morphology and Ecology of the Adjacent Tidal Flats
Since the catastrophic storm surge of 1634, the southern part of the north Frisian coast (West Germany) is in a state of non-equilibrium. Permanent erosion takes place in this area, with...

Floating Bridge for 100 Year Storm
In 1979 the west half of the Hood Canal Floating Bridge, built in 1960, in Seattle broke up and sank during a storm that lasted eight hours with winds of 80 mph and gusts over 100 mph....

Successful Use of Trench Box in Sewer Line Construction
Faced with the problems of ever increasing construction costs, more and more methods are being employed in an attempt to keep expenses to a minimum without sacrificing the quality of construction...

Sewer Construction Inspection and Testing
Sewer construction testing is the final portion of the team effort that started with the goal of meeting the requirement for a sewer system for the protection of health and environment....

Unique Installation Methods for Large Interceptor in Poor Soil Conditions
The construction of approximately 1. 5 miles of a major sewer interceptor in downtown Boston encountered some unique construction challenges. The entire route required dewatering during...

Long Term Deflection of Buried Plastic Sewer Pipes
During the 70's and the early 80's a research program has been carried out in Sweden regarding the long term behaviour of buried plastic pipes. The program has...

The Relative Strain as a Design Criterion for Buried uPVC Gravity Sewer Pipes
When designing buried plastic sewer pipes, the relative strain caused by deflection of the circular pipe section is of particular interest. The reason for increased interest is the present...

A Study of Inlet Control Alternatives for SWM
A laboratory study of alternatives for effecting inlet control on urban storm sewer systems for stormwater management (SWM) is described. The test facility was a full-size physical model...

Durability of Clay Pipe
Clay pipe, manufactured in accordance with ASTM C-700, has unusual resistance to attack by chemical agents. The pipe is highly stable in hydrochloric and sulfuric acid and subject to corrosive...





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