Hurricane Hugo vs Critical Lifelines
Hurricane Hugo significantly affected the performance of critical lifelines in South and North Carolina. An overview of the performance of power supply, transportation, communication,...

Report on Hurricane Hugo and the Response to It by South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
The South Carolina Electric Gas And Company's response to the disaster began even before Hugo Struck. Company employees began preparing for the predicted onslaught. Workers...

Effects of Hurricane Hugo On Water and Wastewater Systems of the Charleston Commissioners of Public Works
Hurricane Hugo had a major impact on the operations of the Charleston Commissioners of Public Works in their effort to provide safe water and wastewater service to their customers. Through...

Sea Water Environmental Remote Sensing Application on Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station
Owing to its extensive and complete characterization, remote sensing investigations have a special ability to analyze seawater environments and to monitor pollution at coastal nuclear...

The Acqisition of Remotely Sensed Sargassum Information on Daya Bay
The nuclear power plant on Daya Bay is the largest nuclear power plant under construction in China. In order to obtain reliable data about the possibility of blocking of the water intake...

Tidal Dynamics and Estuarine Management in the Humber Estuary, England
The rate at which tidal energy is dissipated, that is the power expenditure, at any point along an estuary is dependent on the morphology of the estuary. The most important of the morphological...

Marsh Erosion by Wave Action
This paper summarizes an analysis of salt marsh shoreline erosion, wind velocities and wave energy in Corte Madera Bay during an abnormally calm period in 1989. Winds during the study...

Physical-Chemical Evaluation of Rainwater as an Indicator of Atmospheric Pollution in Some Zones of the City of Maracaibo, Venezuela
This study provided an evaluation of the presence of pollutants in the air over the City of Maracaibo by means of a physical-chemical analysis of rainwater collected in four zones of the...

Rise and Intrusion of Caspian Sea Water into Mazandaran Province Coastal Lands
The Caspian sea water level was -29.13m (MSL) in 1977 and reached -27.68m in 1987. Although the rise and fall in the sea water level has been recognized as a periodic phenomenon (every...

The Marine Review Committee San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station: A Case Study of the Use of Scientific Data in the Regulatory Decision-Making Process
In 1974, the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission established the Marine Review Committee (MRC) as a condition of the coastal permit for construction of the San Onofre Nuclear...

Field Experiment of a Wave Power Extracting Caisson Breakwater
The Ministry of Transport of Japan (MOT) is currently developing a fixed-OWC wave power converter called a wave power extracting caisson. This device can be used as caissons for composite-type...

Environmental Impact of a Power Plant: A Case From a Coastal Area in Venezuela
These are the results of a eight years study in which the ecological effects of Planta Centro power plant were assessed. Many aspects were included in this study, but we concentrate here...

Studies of Zooplankton Near the Nuclear Power Plant?Angra I. Preoperational Conditions (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
The plankton from marine bays on the coast of Rio de Janeiro State has been poorly studies, and little information is available about Ilha Grande and Sepetiba Bays and Guanabara Bay. This...

Environmental Impacts of Drought in the Tennessee Valley
Beginning in June 1984, the Tennessee Valley region entered the most severe, extended period of drought since record keeping began in 1890. The historical annual average rainfall across...

Ground Water Treatment System Using UV/H2O2 at Sacramento Army Depot
Ground water beneath the Sacramento Army Depot (SAAD) is being extracted and treated as part of a ground water remediation program. The extraction system is achieving contaminant capture...

Pumped Storage Promise
With many utilities facing potential shortfalls in generating capacity, pumped storage hydro plants could be a key to meeting peak-period energy demand in the 1990s. Pumped storage plants...

Hydroproject Risk Analysis
Traditionally, feasibility studies performed for potential hydropower sites have included either no uncertainty or at best an ad hoc value associated with estimated benefits. However,...

Monte Carlo Simulation Techniques for Predicting Annual Power Production
The problem of the creation of a simulation model utilizing the Monte Carlo method at a single site is addressed. The result of the analysis is a picture of the production at the site...

Probabilistic Analysis of Modernization Options
Benefit-cost analysis is a standard procedure for reaching planning decisions. Cost overruns and benefit shortfalls are also common occurrences. One reason for the difficulty of predicting...

The Impact of Drought on Hydropower Generation-Case Study of Bureau of Reclamation Hydropower Plant
The paper explores the effects of extended drought on power generation at Shasta hydropower plant, a Bureau of Reclamation facility in Northern California. Statistical measures of water...





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