Equivalence Between Regular and Irregular Waves in Movable-Bed Models
Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate various irregular wave parameters to determine which provides the best match for the regular wave parameter used to develop design guidance....

Physical Forces Generated by Barge-Tow Traffic Within a Navigable Waterway
Movement of navigation traffic such as barge tows within a restricted inland waterway such as the Illinois, Mississippi, or Ohio Rivers can and will alter the flow field in and around...

The Equivalence of Path and Node Methods for Water Distribution Network Analysis
This paper deals with the equivalence between commonly employed methods, path and node adjustment methods, for analyzing water distribution networks. The basic equations for steady-state...

Coronarization of the Autonomous Water pump
The conventional hydraulic pressure multiplier has been successfully used by Belgian technician Robert Houman (1986) to provide a dependable source of water supply to the NATO-base at...

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of the Flooding Characteristics in Kawainui Marsh, Hawaii
This paper summarizes the results from the calibration and application of a two-dimensional finite element model capable of simulating the complex circulation characteristics of Kawainui...

Secondary-Flow Correction for Depth-Averaged Numerical Models
An empirical equation is proposed for the production and transport of secondary (streamwise) vorticity induced by lateral curvature in shallow water. The streamwise vorticity creates a...

Computation of Sediment Transport Resulting From Snowmelt and Rainfall in a Sierra Nevada Watershed
Erosion within a watershed can cause extensive damage to the land and adjacent properties. It is a common problem throughout the United States, and has become severe in many areas of the...

Performance Test of Some Selected Sediment Transport Formulas
Performance of some selected sediment transport formulas was tested using a parameter-sensitivity analysis and a series of numerical experiments with an imaginary channel data. Selection...

River Sediment Discharge Study?San Diego Region
Procedures and general results are presented of a recent study performed to estimate the average annual sediment delivery (sand sizes and larger) from sources discharging to the southern...

Redondo Beach King Harbor Model Studies, California
Redondo Beach King Harbor frequently experiences damage when large winter waves occur in conjunction with high water levels. Damages consist of revetment failure, land erosion, flooding,...

Physical Model Study of Navigation Conditions
This paper describes a physical model study performed to assess the impact of increased flows from a redeveloped hydroelectric generating station on the ability of pleasure boats to navigate...

Model Study to Design a Small Intake
A 1:4 scale model was used to design the make-up water intake structure for Burrillville Combined-Cycle Power Plant, Ocean State Power Project. The objective of the study was to assure...

Hydraulic Modeling of Boating Hazards and Sedimentation?Union Avenue Dam, Denver Colorado
Hydraulic jump type energy dissipators are a hazard to recreational boaters. Many white water boaters have been trapped in 'reverse roller' hydraulic jumps. Numerous...

The Study and Practice of the River Regime Planning and Sediment Management in Gezhouba Project of the Yangtze
Based on the Practice of Gezhouba Project, the first water control project on the mainstem of the Yangtze and the largest hydroproject in China, this paper lays emphasis on importance...

Grid-Induced Errors in Depth-Averaged Flow Fields
A computer code called CH2D (Curvilinear Hydrodynamics in Two Dimensions) for computing depth-averaged free-surface flow fields has been used to assess the impact of the rate of change...

Cumulative Impacts Analysis on a Midwest Fluvial System
The US Army Corps of Engineers recently completed an analysis of the cumulative impacts of erosion control structures on the Platte River in Nebraska. This was done in response to concerns...

Sediment Yield and Accumulation in the Cache River
Sediment data collected in the Cache River basin of southern Illinois were used to calculate the sediment yield from tributary streams draining into a significant wetland area. Sediment...

Bank Erosion During the 1988-Flood in the Rumoi River
Observations of the bank erosion were performed in the Rumoi River after the flood in August, 1988. It was found from the detailed research that the pattern of the flood was an important...

The Development of a Plan of Study to Evaluate the Physical and Biological Effects of Increased Navigation Traffic on the Mississippi River
An integrity team prepared a Plan of study (POS) that represents the first comprehensive effort on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), to identify and quantify impacts associated with commercial...

Waves Generated by Recreational Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Vessels of all sizes, from canoes to 15-barge tows, share the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), and every vessel interacts with the river by means of its displacement, propulsion,...





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