Twin Lakes Enlargement and Rehabilitation
The Twin Lakes Enlargement and Rehabilitation Project involves an enlarged embankment replacing a two-tiered reservoir system with a single, larger-volume reservoir and new appurtenances....

General Design and Construction Considerations for Remedial Seepage Control
All earth and rock-fill dams are subject to seepage through the embankment, foundation and abutments. Methods for remedial seepage control include storage restriction, grouting, upstream...

IVHS: The Invisible Revolution
Federal funding for intelligent vehicle highway systems has increased a hundredfold since 1989, from $2 million to almost $200 million. Transportation planners are looking increasingly...

Driving Under a Construction Site
Throughout the summer of 1992, vehicles passed unimpeded through one of the most heavily traveled intersections in Los Angeles County as construction proceeded on a concrete light-rail...

What Do You Mean by That?
The engineering and construction profession, like any other, has its own buzzwords and jargon. But as terms become ingrained in the profession's lexicon, they take on different...

Predicting Pollution
For urban areas struggling to meet the requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act as well as state air-quality mandates, accurate forecasting of mobile emissions is critical to evaluating...

Development of the Planning and Control Segment, CRWMS Transportation System
This paper discusses the current plans for the development of the Planning and Control segment of the SRWMS Transportation System. Each of the four Planning and Control subsystems are...

Route Selection Issues for NWPA Shipments
Questions surrounding the designation of routes for the movement of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management...

Control of Tracers, Fluids, and Materials for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project
This paper describes use and control of tracers, fluids, and materials (TFM) at the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Management of TFM is necessary to ensure that site characterization...

Modeling of the Ventilation for Emplacement Drift Re-Entry and Rock Drying
Different ventilation scenarios were analyzed for a hot repository with a 114 kw/Acre heat load, to determine the time required to cool a drift to the point where the temperature of the...

EEI/UWASTE Oversight of the DOE Repository Program by the Repository Information Exchange Team
The Utility Nuclear Waste and Transportation Program of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI/UWASTE) has conducted reviews of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) repository program through...

Procurement Quality Engineering
The 'Procurement Quality Function' is an element of the Body of Knowledge of Quality Engineering, as defined by the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC). This paper describes the...

The Use of Technical Specialists in Quality Assurance Audits
This paper provides a nontechnical discussion of the use of Technical Specialists in quality assurance audits by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management's Office of Quality...

Quality-Assurance Program Description Defense Waste Processing Facility
This paper describes the Westinghouse Savannah River Company's (WSRC) quality assurance program for defense-waste processing at the Savannah River Site (SRS). WSRC is the operating contractor...

Experimental Synthesis of Crystalline Matrices Based on Ce, Ba, Sr Zirconates for Immobilization of High-Level Radioactive Actinides
Experimental investigations are carried out at the Radium Institute to create different by their properties crystalline matrices, alternative to SYNROC, for incorporation of partitioned...

Software Quality Assurance on the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project
The Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) has been involved over the years in the continuing struggle with establishing acceptable Software Quality Assurance (SQA) requirements...

Qualification of Existing Data for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has completed its first effort to qualify existing data using NUREG-1298 'Qualification of Existing Data for High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories'....

Application of Quality Assurance to Site Characterization
Siting studies for nuclear power plants are conducted for the purpose of determining the suitability of the site (a natural system) on plant systems that prevent the release of radioactive...

Cost and Schedule Baseline Management in the OCRWM Program
The Department of Energy's Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management has established a baseline change control system to support their program control system. The program control...

Mine Support, Radiation and Ventilation Control with Spray-on Barriers
The use of spray-on liner agents to provide localized excavation support in place of traditional techniques such as shotcrete or bolts-and-screen has been the subject of extensive investigation....





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