Seismic Response and Vulnerability of Water Delivery Systems
The response and vulnerability of straight segmented buried pipelines subject to seismic wave propagation are investigated in this paper. Seismic damage to buried pipelines is briefly...

Serviceability of San Francisco Auxiliary Water Supply System
A method is developed for estimating the seismic serviceability of water supply systems. The method can account for uncertainties in earthquake, mechanical properties of soil and pipelines,...

Serviceability of Water Transmission Systems
This present paper deals with the vulnerability and reliability of a functionally as well as physically hierarchical lifeline system. Most major lifeline systems have this feature. For...

Graphical Demonstration of Serviceability Analysis
A graphical interactive computer program (GISALLE) has been developed using state of the art computer graphics to estimate the seismic performance of water supply systems. GISALLE is developed...

A Practical Model for Forecasting Water Supply Functions at Time of the Earthquake
This study aims to construct a practical forecasting model for the seismic damage restoration of city water supply functions by using experts empirical knowledge as well as the functional...

Some Insight in Autoregressive (AR) Spectral Modeling
The difficulties associated with the determination of reliable autoregressive (AR) approximations of the Pierson-Moskowitz and Davenport spectra are examined from the standpoint of developing...

Continuous Simulation of Gaussian Processes with Given Spectrum
A new algorithm, to be called MIMA (modulated interpolated moving average) allows stationary Gaussian processes with given spectral density to be simulated in continuous time, while providing...

Parameter Identification and State Estimation of Structure Models in Shaking Table Test
In this paper physical parameters and inner states of structure can be estimated from the input and responses in shaking table test by means of Extended Kalman Filter (SIEKA). Comparing...

Lining Up Against Oil
Officials of California's Metropolitan Water District were more than slightly concerned when seeping oil showed up in the Newhall Tunnel, the last leg of a project that brings...

Tales From Milwaukee's Underground
Written from RETC papers and interviews, this article is a status update on the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District's $2.1 billion Water Pollution Abatement program,...

Reciprocal Recycling
Municipalities are turning their wastes into valuable products through a unique combinations of water reuse and energy recovery. Reclaimed water, the product of the wastewater treatment...

Pilot Bore Pays Off
The primary purpose of tunneling through Cumberland Mountain is to ease the 18,000 vehicle per day traffic through the rugged terrain that was a major transportation route when Daniel...

Case Histories of Sulfide Corrosion
Section 522 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a study of sulfide corrosion and control options in collection and treatment...

Investigation & Rehabilitation of Seattle's Tolt Pipeline
Seattle Water Department's Tolt Pipeline brings water 24 miles from storage in the Cascade Mountains into city and suburban distribution systems. Twenty-three miles of this...

Column Separation in Pumped Pipelines
Pressure transients are common occurrences in water supply systems. Pipeline standards and design/testing techniques will normally provide sufficient protection for transmission and distribution...

Comprehensive Leak Detection Survey and Benefit/Cost Analysis
Fort Carson, Colorado was the site of a comprehensive leak detection investigation of the potable water system with the express purpose of quantifying the benefits to be derived by a military...

Valve Control to Avoid Column Separation in a Pipe
Maximum pressures in a pipeline can be reduced significantly by closing the valve in an optimal manner. Such an optimal valve closure policy may result in some situations in minimum pressures...

Geometrical Nonlinearity in Offshore Pipelines
Pipelines are very flexible structural systems which are subjected to various boundary conditions. For instance, during the laying process, the pipes roll on the guidance tracks on the...

Next Stop: The Los Angeles Metro Rail
The Los Angeles Metro Rail is a $6.5 billion light and heavy rail system, which may be entirely completed by the year 2000. A 22 mi segment of the 150 mi light rail system, connecting...

Seam Examination
Charron discusses the importance of seam sampling in geomenbrane installation. In 1988, about 30 million mi of polyethylene geomembranes were used to line landfills, liquid impoundments,...





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