Lining Up Against Oil

by Philip Constantine, P.E., Smith-Emery, Los Angeles, CA,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1990, Vol. 60, Issue 1, Pg. 70-71

Document Type: Feature article


Officials of California's Metropolitan Water District were more than slightly concerned when seeping oil showed up in the Newhall Tunnel, the last leg of a project that brings water to a treatment plant near Los Angeles. The oil in the water made normal treatment operations impossible. Various sealing and plugging attempts were made, but none were successful. The solution was a 3,000 ft liner that had to be slipped inside the dewatered tunnel by sections. The job was made even more challenging by the varying diameter of the tunnel.

Subject Headings: Water treatment plants | Tunnels | Water tunnels | Water treatment | Linings | Urban areas | Sealing

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