Threaded Rebars Spin Down Time
A rebar splicing technique was a major factor in saving two year's construction time on California's $33 million, 9000 ft (2743 m) Antioch Bridge. Rebar splicing...

International Seminar on Probabilistic and Extreme Load Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Probabilistic and Extreme Load Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, held in San Francisco, California, August 22-24, 1977. Sponsored by the ASCE...

Current Trends in Design and Construction of Embankment Dams
This report is concerned primarily with the embankment itself although foundation and abutment treatment are considered essential elements of the embankment. It covers a broad range of...

Intermediate Service Levels in Water Distribution
This paper is concerned with design standards for secondary water distribution networks. Based on field studies in the Middle East and Africa, mathematical equations were developed for...

Environmental Epidemiology and Sanitation
This paper reviews the key variables determining the transmission of excreta-related diseases, sets out an environmental rather than biological classification of these infections, and...

Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
The Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics is the tenth in a series of Specialty Conferences sponsored by the ASCE Geotechnical Division (formerly the Soil Mechanics and...

Major Cause of Earthquake Damage is Ground Failure
Ground failure is one of the most destructive effects of large earthquakes. For example, about 60% of the damage during the 1964 Alaska earthquake was a consequence of ground failure....

Los Angeles Reservoir is Safe From Earthquakes
The Los Angeles Reservoir was nominated for the 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award. The reservoir, which replaces the Van Norman Reservoir damaged during the 1971 San...

Stadium Seats Slide on Water
In Denver, a unique 21,000 seat, 9-million pound movable stand is used to convert the Denver Mile High Stadium from baseball to football or soccer. The stands are lifted and move on 163-forty...

Controlling Tunnel-Lining Costs�Tips for Owners and Designers
Emphasis is placed on those aspects of design likely to lead to cost savings or the avoidance of unanticipated extra cost during construction. Tunnel lining design requires knowledge about...

Reinforced Concrete Research Council: Why So Successful�
At 30 years old the first-formed of ASCE's 14 research councils, the Reinforced Concrete Research Council is also one of the most successful. Some 40 RCRC research projects...

Dredge-and-Fill Saves $2 Million at Steel Mill Built in Swamp
The Georgetown Texas Steel Corp., in late 1973, accepted the challenge of developing a previously cleared cypress swamp on the east side of the Neches River across from Beaumont, Texas....

Reliability and Limit States Approaches to Design
Increasingly, designers of structures and other civil engineering projects will be designing in these ways. What is the reliability approach? It is based in part on the fact that the magnitude...

Modern Concrete Structures Survive Romanian Earthquake
On March 4, 1977, 35 buildings collapsed during a severe earthquake (7.2 on the Richter scale) in Bucharest, Romania. Thirty-two of the 35 were older structures, erected before World War...

Dominance of Special Interests Dashes NYC Hopes for Recovery
How well is New York City doing now? Is it really on the way to recovery? Since the landmark report by the Temporary Commission on City Finances was released over a year ago, very little...

Site Characterization & Exploration
Proceedings of the specialty workshop held at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, June 12-14, 1978. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Site Characterization...

Peaking Power from Stored Air
Pumped storage has been recognized as a means of supplying additional electric power generation capacity during peak load periods for quite a while. However, such facilities are traditionally...

Lake Superior Rail-to-Water Coal Terminal Wins Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award
During 1976, the nation's largest Western coal transshipment terminal, the Superior Midwest Energy Terminal, began operation in Superior, Wisconsin. This event marks the opening...

Terrain Analysis for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Airphoto interpretation and field reconnaissance were combined with a computer-based data bank to evaluate the diverse terrain conditions along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline because acquisition...

Stability of Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads
Proceedings of the International Colloqium on Stability of Structures Under Static and Dynamic Loads, held in Washington, D.C., May 17-19, 1977. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation....





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