A Stepwise Approach to Environmental Systems Maintenance Management
This paper provides a systematic approach to establishing a maintenance management program for environmental infrastructure. It begins by discussing the definition of program objectives,...

Health Effects Evaluation?Ocean Disposal of Sludge
Court rulings have recently allowed the ocean disposal of municipal wastewater sludge in certain cases. This paper describes a methodology which was developed to determine acceptable loadings...

Texas Hiplex Experimental Design
Research into rainfall enhancement in Texas expanded rapidly during the 1970's with the Texas HIPLEX program. More recently, the states of Texas and Oklahoma and the United...

Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects
In the United States, construction of public works to develop water resources is the responsibility of the Army Corps of Engineers. These works include projects to improve ocean and coastal...

After Action Report 1983 California Coastal Storms
The winter of 1982-1983 saw some dramatic changes in the worldwide weather patterns that have been attributed to the anomaly known as El Nino. During that winter California was attacked...

The Analysis of the Environmental Impact
Oil serves mankind. Winning such a valuable and necessary energy resource demands for stringent rules. It is not the oil which threatens the environment on earth, but the negligence of...

Oil Spill Risk Assessment for Marine Vessels
An oil spill risk assessment study should show the estimated relationship between the magnitude of an adverse environmental impact and the probability of equaling or exceeding that impact....

Harbor Management a Cooperative Effort in Connecticut
Connecticut Legislature passed an Act concerning harbor management which enables coastal communities to establish harbor management committees and prepare harbor management plans. This...

Statewide Port Assessment?Louisiana Case
The Louisiana Statewide Ports Assessment (LSPA) has been conducted of significant changes in the economic environment of the State, Nation and world, which influences not only trade patterns...

Coastal Management Problems in the United Kingdom
Five case-studies from the East coast of England illustrate some of the obstacles facing more enlightened coastal management in the United Kingdom. All the examples demonstrate unsatisfactory...

Principles for Coastal Zone Management in South Africa
The southern tip of the African continent is characterized by a wide variety of coastal environmental conditions, ranging from a steeply tilted topography with sub-tropical summer rainfall...

Prior Planning for Post-Hurricane Reconstruction
Planning for hurricane emergencies has focused upon the period immediately before and after the storm's arrival, emphasizing evacuation and disaster relief. Mitigation of...

The Conservancy Concept
During the last nine years in California, the only significant new initiatives in regional land use management have been the creation of Conservancies. With the creation of the Coastal...

Survival of Ocean Life: The Critical Balance
Several major problem areas in ocean management are in need of immediate and stringent address. Excessive erosion and sedimentation, stems from man's inadequacies in land...

Achieving a Truly Accessible Urban Waterfront
In some states or regions public access to the shoreline can be mandated through a Commission created by Legislation, as in the San Francisco Bay. This situation, however, is not the norm....

Regional Waterfront Planning Without a Superagency: Can Existing Agencies Fill the Gap?
As far back as 1966, the Regional Plan Association saw the potential for mixed use development of underutilized and vacant land along New Jersey's Hudson River Waterfront....

A Baltimore Harbor Enhancement Plan
The state enacted wetlands legislation in the early 1970's to require permits for the filling of tidal wetlands. In addition, federal regulations implemented through the Corps...

Sand Rights A Legal System to Protect The Shores of the Beach
The legal system of water rights in California is highly developed. So far, however, it has failed to recognize in any comprehensive fashion the importance of the sand which is transported...

Examples of Sediment Distribution in the Italian Adriatic Coast. A Comparison Between the Shepard and the Nota Textural Classifications
Four sectors of the western Adriatic coast, each with a different feature, represent the test areas to evidence the differences between the two textural classifications of sediments by...

Analysis of Virginia's Local Wetlands Boards
The Commonwealth of Virginia's system of managing its wetlands resources through local Wetlands Boards comprised of citizen volunteers is reviewed. The differences among boards...





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