Construction Management: Dallas North Tollway Project
This article will attempt to illustrate the importance of flexibility of the design and construction inspection process to insure the project is constructed within the time and budget...

Techniques of Negotiation
Three primary qualities are necessary for effective negotiation: knowledge, attitude, and skill. The author's firm has successfully used a negotiating team approach. This...

Embankment Seepage Control Design and Construction
For seepage control features of embankment dams, design criteria and construction practice is reviewed as it is reflected in the experience of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The generally...

Seepage Control at Cochiti Dam, New Mexico
Significant design data, design assumptions and computations, and performance of the seepage control features provided at Cochiti Dam are summarized in this paper. The dam is a rolled...

The Use and Performance of Seepage Reduction Measures
The utilization and performance of various foundation seepage reduction measures from over 100 dams situated on pervious soils throughout the world has been reviewed. Summary discussions...

Designing and Monitoring for Seepage at Calamus Dam
Given the complex, pervious nature of the foundation for Calamus Dam, every effort has been made to incorporate design features that will reduce and control the anticipated large volumes...

Application of Displacement of Discontinuity Methods in Underground Mine Design
Displacement discontinuity methods for stress analysis, pioneered by Starfield and Crouch (see, for example, Starfield and Crouch, 1972; Crouch, 1976; and Crouch and Starfield, 1983),...

Prediction of Highway Construction Noise Levels
A model for the prediction of noise levels from highway construction operations has been developed under sponsorship of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Noise sources are geometrically...

Highway Noise: FHWA Requirements and Barrier Design
Since 1973, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has required noise studies for nearly all proposed roadways and roadway improvements that receive federal aid. An overview of these...

Cost-Effective Design of Practically Vibration-Free High-Technology Facilities
Advanced electro-optical equipment, such as that used in the production of integrated circuits, requires clean environments with extremely limited vibrations. Ground motions, personnel...

Site Selection and Building Design for Minimizing Vibration
Over the last five to ten years, line resolutions required for state-of-the-art semi-conductor wafers have dropped to well below 1 micron. As a result, controlling environmental building...

Soil Nailing Supports Excavation
Excavation for the PPG Headquarters complex in Pittsburgh, Pa. was critical because the site is adjacent to three historically important buildings. Soil nailing, a method of in situ earth...

On the Design of Continuous Composite Beams
Methods of analysis and design of continuous composite beams are presented. Numerical analysis is used to determine the effective width of the slabs to be used in design. The influence...

Behavior and Strength of Stub-Girder Floor Systems
The paper presents a detailed evaluation of the behavior and strength characteristics of the stub-girder floor system. This is a composite girder and beam structure that integrates the...

Proposed Design Criteria for Composite Steel Deck Slabs
Composite steel deck slabs have continued to gain popularity; today they are one of the predominant means of floor slab construction in most typical buildings. The term 'composite...

Design and Testing of a 400 Ft Span Plate Girder Bridge
The paper describes design features and testing of the Madawaska River Bridge. The bridge is unique in being the longest span plate girder bridge in Ontario, having continuous spans of...

Composite Bridge Design in Germany
A span length between 40 m and 12 m has been regarded as optimal up to the mid-60's for a composite design to compete with prestressed concrete or steel alternatives. With...

Recent Developments in Mixed Steel-Concrete Systems
Mixed steel-concrete systems have emerged into a well established new system that can be used as readily as either steel or concrete systems for high-rise buildings. Mixed systems offer...

Seismic Capacity Evaluation of SRC Buildings
The Japanese standard for seismic capacity evaluation of existing composite steel and reinforced concrete (SRC) buildings was introduced. As it developed, based on the previously established...

Composite and Mixed Construction in Czechoslovakia
Various composite and mixed systems have been used in Czechoslovakia. Special attention is focused on design methods, effective construction, and material savings. Current developments...





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