Civil Design of Underground Hydro Power Projects
Various reasons exist for the development of underground schemes. Limited space at dam sites in deep and narrow river valleys makes it favourable to separate the power house from the dam...

Waterstop Technology?The Next Chapter
Water leakage through and around failed waterstops in concrete structures can cause serious flooding, damage to equipment, affect structural stability, and pose potential safety problems....

The Use of Polyurethane Grouts and Grout Tubes
Most polyurethane grouts used for seepage control are one-component, and water activated. They are prepolymers of a polyisocyanate with a polyol. Some of the polyurethane grouts use an...

Osoyoos Lake Control Structure
The new Osoyoos Lake Control Structure has been built on the Okanogan River at Oroville, Wa. The site is about 2 miles downstream from the outlet of Osoyoos Lake, and about 9 miles south...

Mountain Jungle Intakes?Design and Model Study
Nine intakes of various sizes and designs supply water to the two high head power plants in the Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Development in Malaysia. The intakes are located on steep mountain...

Layout of a Powerhouse Adjacent to Lock and Dam Structures
An approach flow to a powerhouse intake adjoining existing lock and dam structures may cause a significant reduction in the efficiency of the powerhouse and give rise to an economically...

Major Hydraulic Turbine Operation and Maintenance Problems Experienced by the Corps of Engineers
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is the largest owner/operator of hydroelectric power generating facilities in the United States with 344 generating units, having an installed capacity...

No. 1 Water Wheel Project, Gilman, Vermont
This paper describes the replacement of an old generating unit with a new unit in a turn-of-the-century mill building where three other such units were already operating. The key issues...

Hydropower Goes Downtown
Beneath a busy street in Southern California seems an unlikely location for a small hydroelectric generating plant. However, located just below El Segundo Boulevard in the town of El Segundo...

After L'Ambiance Plaza
In the aftermath of the tragic collapse of the L'Ambiance Plaza apartment building at Bridgeport, Conn., in April 1987, reforms are being proposed. In 1987 ASCE approved writing...

The European Underground
Three tunneling projects in Europe are described: a tunnel bored under two rivers in Lyon, France, a subway station constructed as a mined tunnel in Vienna, Austria and a tunnel mined...

Grout Supports Brooklyn Tunneling
At the Red Hook project in Brooklyn, microfine cement grout was injected from the surface to support underground tunneling. The hand-dug tunnel was built to connect to sewer pipes. Subsurface...

Planning, Design and Cost Estimates for RCC Dams
Engineers, planners, and officials of agencies responsible for developing water resource projects are confronted with preparing preliminary designs and cost estimates for dams. This paper...

Behavior of Completed RCC Dams
Enough roller compacted concrete dams have been completed to allow an overall evaluation of this new approach to construction. Performance has been good. No operational restrictions have...

Comparison of Joint Shear Strengths for Conventional and Roller Compacted Concrete
Direct shear test data for parent material and bonded and unbonded jointed specimens of conventional and RCC (roller compacted concrete) are presented and compared. Results are discussed...

Roller Compacted Concrete Mix Design for Pamo Dam
Pamo Dam is designed as a 265 foot (81M) high gravity dam that will be located on the Santa Isabel Creek in San Diego County, California. RCC volume will be approximately 491,000 cubic...

Monksville Dam: Design Evolution and Construction
This paper documents the application of experience gained at other RCC projects to the Monskville Dam. The evolution of the design and its translation to construction are presented together...

Quality of Works in RCC in France: A Contractor's Solution
Bec Freres S. A. , a French dam contractor, introduced the technique of roller compacted concrete (RCC) into France. The first two French RCC dams were built as a result of a program of...

RCC in Dams in Australia
The design, construction and performance of the first three dams constructed in Australia, using RCC are described. Aspects covered in the paper include designing for zero cohesion between...

Vibration Analysis Using a Parallel Lanczos Method
A parallel eigenvalue solution algorithm, based on the Lanczos method, has been developed, implemented on a Flexible Computer FLEX/32 multi-processor, and applied to an example structural...





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