The Long-Term Climate Change Assessment Task of the Protective Barrier Development Program for Low-Level Waste Site Remediation at the Hanford Site
A study plan is being developed to guide a multiyear program to assess long-term climate change and optimize the design of protective barriers. A protective barrier alternative is being...

Calibration of High Frequency Pollen Sequences and Tree-Ring Records
Two radiocarbon dated paleoenvironmental records from southern Nevada are being examined with the possibility of correlating high-frequency pollen samples with nearby long-term tree-ring...

Environments of the Last 50,000 Years in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Central-Southern Nevada
Located within the southern hydrographic Great Basin, the Nevada Test Site lies astride the transition between the Mojave Desert to the south and the Great Basin Desert to the north. Fossil...

Modeling Future Climates for Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order to ensure safe long term storage of nuclear waste it is necessary to consider possible consequences of future climate change. A program of long term climate scenario development...

Overview of the U.S. Department of Energy's Pace-90 Geologic Repository Performance Assessment Exercise Activity
During 1989, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated a determined effort to integrate and focus the performance-assessment activities required to support the preparation of an Environmental...

Analysis of Requirements for Data and Information for the Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel Designated for Disposal in a Mined Geologic Repository
Official documents and relevant published papers were reviewed to determine what information on spent fuel will be needed by the Department of Energy (DOE) in order for it to meet its...

Opportunities for the Nuclear Waste Negotiator
The Nuclear Waste Negotiator (the Negotiator) has the potential to have a significant positive impact on the United States High-level Radioactive Waste Management program perhaps more...

Linkage Between Site Characterization Program and Performance and Design Data Needs
The basis for identifying site-specific data needs for the Yucca Mountain site was a thorough review and evaluation of the regulatory requirements for a geologic repository. The U.S. Nuclear...

High Level Waste Management at Sellafield
Reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel has been carried out at Sellafield since 1952, when reprocessing of fuel from the original UK air-cooled reactors began. In 1964 a second reprocessing...

Fabrication and Closure Development of Nuclear Waste Containers for Storage at the Yucca Mountain, Nevada Repository
U.S. Congress and the President have determined that the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada is to be characterized to determine its suitability for construction of the first U.S. high-level...

Effects of Water Composition on the Dissolution Rate of UO2 Under Oxidizing Conditions
Dissolution rates were measured on crushed unirradiated UO2 fuel pellet samples under oxidizing conditions using a flow-through testing method. Water...

Clearing Space Debris Using Energetic Materials
Space debris is growing at an alarming rate. It consists not only of old, unusable payloads but also aluminum oxide combustion products of various space delivery systems and small fragments...

Explosive Metal Working for Space
As the United States looks towards larger and larger lift vehicles for the transportation of the space station and other large payloads, the application of explosive metalworking becomes...

Wave Propagation in Hyper-Structures
The concept of hyperelement was introduced by E. Kausel and J.M. Roesset, 1977 in connection with the derivation of the dynamic stiffness matrix for layered continuum problems involving...

A Mission to Earth: Global Rural Electrification
No nation can long remain morally strong or economically competitive without an inner purpose. There are many noble projects but few which will both kindle the individual's...

Conceptual Design for a Lunar-Base CELSS
Future human exploration is key to the United States National Space Policy goal of maintaining a world leadership position in space. In the past, spacecraft life support systems have used...

Considerations for the Development of a Commercial Spaceport
Several states and countries are currently reviewing the feasibility of developing a commercial spaceport in their homeland. United Engineers & Constructors Inc. completed an extensive...

Education: The Future is Now
The United States of America as a nation faces a major challenge in improving its entire educational systems, especially education in mathematics, science, and engineering. Our future...

Probable Impacts of Space Operations on Air Force Civil Engineering
Consider the bridge from today's space programs and systems to tomorrow's space reality. Current space policy is revoluntionary in nature. Selected space related...

Columbus Generic Element Management Concept
The concept for largely autonomous onboard management of the ESA Columbus project elements relies on the automation of operational procedures. Reconfigurable items are commanded in sequence...





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