Understanding Potential Legal Liabilities of Water Resource Professionals and How to Avoid Them
The salvation of the country's water resources is one of the most important problems facing it today. Focused, as they are, on a problem of such overwhelming significance,...

Building Consensus on Water Resource Management Planning in Washington
The perception of plenty has hampered efforts to increase public understanding of the importance of water planning and conservation in Washington State, where enough water in the right...

Spills on the Great Lakes a Cause for Concern?The Need for Action to Prevent Them
The present form of water transport of toxic chemicals on the Great Lakes, using inappropriate and obsolete forms of navigation control systems, presents the people and the ecosystem with...

Corps of Engineers Water Control Data Systems for the 90's
Corps of Engineers water control data systems encompass all of the instruments, equipment, computers, and software used to collect and use environmental data in real-time water control...

Spreadsheet Model Development for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
In the beginning, water resources personnel scratched out their estimates of how different reservoir operations or system configurations would affect a river using pencil and paper. Many...

Parallel Processing in Water Management
The introduction of parallel processing as an alternative to super-computing provides opportunities for rapid numerical integration of equations describing open-channel hydrodynamics....

Recent Studies on the Optimal Operation of Reservoir Systems in China
Many researchers and engineers have examined the problem of optimal operation of hydro-electric systems in order to exploit the potential of electric power generation. At the same time,...

Environmental Assessment of Lake Maggiore, St. Petersburg, Florida
Lake Maggiore is a shallow 385 acre (156 ha) hypereutrophic lake located in St. Petersburg, Florida. The lake's watershed contains a variety of urban land use types that have...

Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Program, Santa Clara County, CA
A Water Quality Basin Plan prepared for the region in 1986 by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) promulgated regulations to control inputs of pollutants to South San Francisco...

Basin Management Plan for the Pajaro Valley, Central Coast of California
The Pajaro Valley, a coastal basin located along California's Central Coast, is primarily an agricultural valley with over 90 percent of its water supplied from local groundwater...

Devil's Gate Multi-Use Project and Urban Water Resource
Not since Congress passed the 1902 Reclamation Act has there been an opportunity for a water resources project to make such an instrumental impact on the environment. Historically, damming...

The Engineer's Role in Wetland Enhancement, Restoration and Creation
Efforts are being made by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), to implement President Bush's...

Analysis of Water Banking Projects as Additions to the California State Water Project
The California State Department of Water Resources (DWR) is evaluating the feasibility of adding Water Banking programs to the State Water Project (SWP) to augment its delivery capability...

Risk-Cost Analysis Under Uncertainty for Dredged Material Management
Fuzzy Composite Programming is used to conduct a risk-cost trade-off analysis under uncertainty for a simplified dredge material disposal problem. Uncertainties inherent in the components...

Forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice
The forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice for the Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems includes, as Chapter 1, a derivation of the following text. This chapter...

Summary of Stormwater Quality Management Practices
The control of water quality in urban runoff is in its technical infancy. Never-the-less Water Quality Act of 1987 states that stormwater pollution must be reduced to the maximum extent...

Construction Contract Documents for Stormwater Facilities
This paper provides an overview of the elements of an acceptable package of contract documents for stormwater facility construction. Thoughtful an meticulous assembly of contract documents...

Water Technology Development and Transfer in Mexico
Mexican Government has developed the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program to meet the country's water supply demands, both in quantity and quality. Two core...

Environmental Restoration Project in Poland
Swedish-Polish project aiming at integrated environmental restoration of an degraded area in southern Poland is described. The project aims to demonstrate that an integrated approach,...

Urban Water Issues/Strategies in the Humid Tropics
Annual rainfall volumes in the Humid Tropics are large, and the events can be quite intense, but they can also be highly variable, with periods in which little or no rainfall occurs. Streams...





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