Peer Review: A Management Tool for Public Sector Projects
If done correctly, peer review can be an effective tool in managing public sector projects by reducing costs through careful weighing of design alternatives by experts in the field. The...

Civil Engineering Productivity�Can It Be Boosted?
In the past 20 years, construction labor productivity has declined while private business productivity has risen. And construction's percent of U.S. GNP has dropped nearly...

Experiences with Micros in Project Controls
The experience of one and one-half years of microcomputer use in project controls is related, with the intent of helping the system buyer anticipate useful applications, and suggesting...

Microcomputers for Construction Field Offices
This paper presents an overview of U. S. Army Corps of Engineers experience with using microcomputers for construction management. Construction management applications for contract administration...

Small Computers in Construction: A Case History
The continuously changing modern society has dictated that today's developers and builders respond in new ways to meet new challenges. This paper will evaluate the experiences...

Experience with Small Computers in Construction at North Dakota State University
The Construction Management and Engineering Department at North Dakota State University is assisting the regional contractors in developing the necessary tools to improve management of...

Construction Management Software Requirements
With the rapid improvement in capabilities of microcomputer systems, it is possible to develop software for small computers previously only possible on mini or mainframe computers. This...

Construction Estimating Decision Support Systems
A discussion of important considerations in the development of a computerized Decision Support System (DSS) is presented. These considerations include general hardware and software issues...

Computerized Estimating, What's Right for You
Several good computerized estimating programs exist on the marketplace today. Contractors who avail themselves of good systems can generally realize a very respectable return on their...

Trends in Small Computer Utilization
In an effort to determine the extent to which micro and minicomputers have been successfully implemented by construction contractors, the authors compiled a comprehensive questionnaire...

Automated Control and Robotics for Construction
This paper addresses the potential for automated process control and robotics for remote, large-scale field operations such as those on construction engineering projects. Combining selected...

Superfund Cleanup Sites
Cleanups of four Superfund hazardous waste sites are described, two in Pennsylvania, one in Tacoma, Wash., and one in Globe, Arizona. The key chemical wastes were polychlorinated bipheynls,...

State of the Art: Rock Tunneling
In the past twenty years, improvements have been made in the quality of geotechnical information on tunnel projects. Even with good exploratory information, it remains difficult to predict...

Organizational Implications for Financing Constructed Facilities
The ownership arrangements for constructed facilities not only can generate the capital for new facilities but also will influence the management of the construction and operation of these...

Financial Engineering
Most firms perform design and engineering to economic criteria, as a portion of normal activities. This paper attempts to encourage further use of financial engineering by describing its...

The Individual Attitude: Its Impact on Financial Success
Individual engineers often have personalities and interests substantially different from those traits that support the financial success of a project. An engineer's inherent...

Just a Few More Tests and We'll Be Sure
This short paper presents a practical approach to data analysis, with the intent of suggesting that simple statistical methods - when tailored to geotechnical problems - do in fact provide...

Landform-Based Characterization of Soil Properties
A probabilistic characterization of site soil properties can be achieved with sparse site-specific data by augmenting them with data available from other sites in the region having the...

Limited Field Inspection vs. Public Safety
The traditional role of the design engineer in providing field inspection services has been an important component of public safety in the construction industry. The various aspects of...

Building Failures�Construction Related Problems and Solutions
A leadership group of representatives from the fields of structural design, construction, building inspection, the law and insurance agreed that if five changes are made in the way building...





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