Biodiversity in Riparian Communities and Watershed Management
Riparian communities are demonstrated to be regional centers of biodiversity and biomass. Examples are taken primarily from bird and lizard communities in the Southwest, since these vertebrates...

Stream Bank Stability Prediction for C6 Stream Type Reconstruction
A hydraulic model investigation will be conducted to evaluate the effects of root system characteristics of three meadow plant communities on simulated bank erosion. The test will determine...

Sprinkler System Design for Frost Protection
Both undertree and overtree systems for frost protection by sprinkling are currently being used. The criteria based on experimental results and theoretical modeling have been reviewed...

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
Design of Steel Pole Transmission Structures, ASCE Manual No. 72, provides a uniform basis for the design and fabrication of steel pole structures....

Expanding Groundwater Production in Southern California
The incentive to achieve greater conjunctive use in Southern California has been provided by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California through a special pricing mechanism...

Armor Layer Evolution
This communication presents an analysis of celerity propagation for non-uniform materials. Based on the corresponding flow, sediment transpot and sorting/armoring equations, the celerity...

Channel-changing Processes on the Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, 1936-86
Lateral channel change on the mainly ephemeral Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, causes damage and has spawned costly efforts to control bank erosion. Aerial photographs, historical...

Predicting Stream Width and Bank Retreat
The width of streams is dependent on the flood flow discharge which varies from year to year, the bank material which varies from stream to stream and reach to reach, the sediment load...

Structural Control of Ground-Water Induced Debris Flows
A number of case studies have attributed debris flow initiation to the effect of elevated pore pressure from a bedrock ground-water source. Debris flows on slopes underlain by Precambrian...

Prediction of Debris Flow Prone Areas and Damage
It is very important when drawing hazard maps to estimate damage to houses from debris flow of certain fixed quantities. A debris flow disaster, which occurred in Kake Town, Hiroshima...

A Value Engineering/Risk Analysis Approach to Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Value engineering is an objective, systematic method for minimizing cost of a system. Risk analysis is a method of quantifying uncertainties or probabilities of possible economic loss,...

Estimation of Expected Damages, Indemnification Costs and Joint Probabilities of Dam Failures
This paper describes three methods to evaluate structural options for the rehabilitation of an existing dam using the dollar-denominated risk and capital cost associated with each option...

Forces Acting on a Vortex-Excited Vibrating Cylinder in Planar Oscillatory Flow
An experimental investigation into the vortex-excited vibration of a circular cylinder in planar oscillatory flow has been made with emphasis being placed on the amplification of the forces...

Example of the Stable Channel Design Approach
This paper shows an example application of a new method being packaged by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to aid in the design of stable flood-control channels. A stable...

Environmental Design of Channels?Can It Be Done?
The importance of environmental features to channel design is generally accepted and procedures for incorporating environmental features into flood control channel design have been developed....

Stable Channel Analytical Design Method
The Flood-Control Channels Research Program is being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to develop systematic methods for design of stable channels for small...

Identification Techniques for Bank Erosion and Failure Processes
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has developed techniques to design small flood-control channels. A component of this research is the...

Failure Modeling of Hydraulic Systems
Techniques of survival analysis are investigated for modeling the failure of hydraulic systems. The Proportional Hazards Model has the advantage of being able to separate the effects on...

Optimal Design of Highway Drainage Structures
Hydraulic design of a bridge or culvert using a risk-based approach is to choose among the alternatives the one associated with the least total expected cost. In this paper, the risk-based...

Conceptual Evaluation of Dam Safety by Instrumentation
The criteria governing the design of dams can frequently be imprecise. One of the most practical methods of evaluating dam safety in the dam safety surveillance programs is to check the...





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