Coping with City Shrinkage
Sooner or later, many of the older cities of the U.S. are going to have to face up to the fact their population and economic bases are shrinking. Many cities continue to display an easy...

ASCE Ethics Code: Guide Beyond the Profession
ASCE action to amend its Code of Ethics is a worthy response to the growing need for recognizing that professional integrity and high standards of good conduct are important. The author...

Concrete Bridge-Tunnel Has No Deck
Engineers solve the problem of how to economically span a single track railroad without interrupting train traffic. Highway fill was placed over post-tensioned precast concrete arch sections...

Liability Claims Against Soils Firms Slashed Dramatically
In 1969, consulting engineering firms engaged on soil and foundation engineering were virtually uninsurable. Taking the bull by the horms, a group of 10 soil and foundation engineering...

Design/Construct Companies�� Builders for Industry
Highlights in the evaluation of design/construct companies. How Koppers is establishing better dialog with all 7,000 professional employees. How Fluor has grown thanks to gutsy hiring...

William D. Henderson: Man, Engineer, Priest Minister
This biographical sketch traces the history of ASCE Life Member William D. Henderson who at the age of 66 withdrew as project engineer for Jackson and Moreland Co., Boston, Mass., to accept...

Affirmative Action Toward Equal Opportunity
An employer does not satisfy his obligation to discriminate against minorities merely by hiring some of them. He must go further and see to it that those he hires are either qualified...

Reforming Civil Engineering Education
Modern professional practice requires a more thorough education in civil engineering technology and management. The schools can not provide on-the-job training. Nor can practitioners supplant...

Paratransit: How You May Get Around if the Energy Shortage Takes You Out of Your Car
Conventional rail and bus transit play important roles. Para-transit may eventually carry more people. Among the possibilities: priority access to freeways for multi-passenger vehicles;...

Assessment of Resources and Needs in Highway Technology Education
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference held at Franklin Pierce College, Rindge, New Hampshire, July 14-19, 1974. Sponsored by the Engineering Foundation Conferences. Assessment...

Effective Project Management Techniques
Proceedings of the seminar held in San Francisco, California, April 14, 1973. Sponsored by the National Committee on Engineering Management of the American Society of Civil Engineers....

Modes of Transportation
Sources of Information on Urban Transportation
This book offers an inventory of modes of urban transportation classified by vehicle types, with subclasses by guideway where applicable. Over 100 vehicles systems which have been demonstrated....





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