Affirmative Action Toward Equal Opportunity
by Benito A. Sinclair, (M.ASCE), Owner; Associates, Consulting Engrs. Los Angeles, Calif.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1975, Vol. 45, Issue 2, Pg. 69-71
Document Type: Feature article
An employer does not satisfy his obligation to discriminate against minorities merely by hiring some of them. He must go further and see to it that those he hires are either qualified for new jobs, or receive the training required to fill these positions. ASCE's Committee on Minority Programs has drafted Affirmative Action Plan that it recommends each employer adopt. Here's an introduction telling why an employer should adopt such a program, and some hints as to how to implement it. Also included are some black role models�black engineers and others showing that skin color need not stop one from notable achievement.
Subject Headings: Workplace diversity | Training | Recruiting and hiring | Fills
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