Gas Phase Turbulence Modification with Fine Particles in 2-D Duct Flow
The effect of a dilute suspension of fine particles on a two-dimensional turbulent duct gas flow is measured with hot-film anemometry. The flow field without particles is compared to the...

Computation of Flow Fields Induced by Hydroplant Releases into Lower Lock Approaches
A turbulence-based computational procedure was developed and applied to the prediction of flow fields in navigation installations induced by hydropower releases. The procedure uses a depth-averaged...

In-Vitro Measurement of Static Contact Pressure Distribution in Synovial Joints
The objective of this presentation is, at first, to review the various approaches to the measurement of contact pressure distribution in synovial joints, and then to describe the development...

Strain Rate Effects on Pressuremeter Testing
This paper discusses the effect of strain rate on the cavity expansion problem and pressuremeter test. A cuboidal shear device, CSD, was used to perform pressuremeter strain path tests...

Statistical Evaluation of CPT and DMT Measurements at the Heber Road Site
A series of field tests were conducted at several sites in the Imperial Valley, South California from 1983 to 1985. The field testing program included cone penetration, dilatometer, standard...

The Pressuremeter: Some Special Applications
The preboring pressuremeter has been used for foundation design for many years. Some recent developments are presented which extend the applications of the pressuremeter. These developments...

Plate Load and Pressuremeter Testing in Saprolite
On the island of Oahu, Hawaii, an exploratory tunnel for the Interstate Route H-3 highway was completed in December 1989. The purpose of the exploratory tunnel was two-fold; first to locate...

Penetration Testing for Groundwater Contaminants
Recent advances in penetration testing technology have produced a variety of new penetration devices to measure groundwater conditions. This paper describes two specially designed devices;...

Pressuremeter Stress Relaxation Testing in a Permafrost Tunnel
In the spring of 1988, a geotechnical testing program was carried out in the U.S. Army CRREL Permafrost Tunnel, located at Fox, near Fairbanks, Alaska. In all, some thirty cone penetrometer...

Wave Equation Modelling of the SPT
The stress wave propagation in the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is described in this paper. It is shown that the SPT is a complex dynamic system and that both force and motion measurements...

Measurements of Nutrient and Metal Fluxes from the Sea Floor in the Area Around the Whites Point Sewage Outfall, Los Angeles, California
Studies are underway to determine the influence of sewage outfall-impacted sediment on the exchange of nutrients and trace metals in the coastal marine environment. Utilizing a benthic...

Model Comparisons of Harbor Wave Response
Physical and numerical model tests were conducted for an idealized, flat-bottom rectangular harbor, entrance channel, and nearshore bathymetry. Bathymetry of the entrance channel and offshore...

Experiments on Stratified Flows: A Comparison with Theory
Stratified flows caused by salt wedges in estuaries, fjord flows and power station cooling waters represent very complicated flow situations with regard to their stability and rates of...

Observations of Seasonal and Interseasonal Variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nearly five years of monthly mean current data from two locations (one nearshore on the shallow shelf and one in the Shelikof sea valley) are used in conjunction with surface geostrophic...

NDBC's Observations in the Coastal Zone
The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) has been collecting data from coastal buoys since 1979. Measurements, taken each hour, include wind direction, wind speed, significant wave height,...

Turbulence Measurements and Parameterizations
Bottom boundary layer and exchange models account for high frequency turbulence via Reynold's averaging and the most advanced closure formulations required by this averaging...

Infragravity Driven Suspended Sediment Transport in the Swash, Inner and Outer-Surf Zone
Nearbed suspended sediment concentration and velocity measurements from 3 field sites in the mid-outer surf zone (low energy), inner surf zone (high energy) and swash (high energy) are...

Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude
Inconsistencies in the field data and predictions of longshore sediment transport (LST) rates associated with the CERC and Bagnold formulae are discussed. Practical errors in direct application...

Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution
The initial analysis of a new set of experimental data on alongshore sediment transport rate distribution is presented. The distributions were generally found to be bimodal but tended...

Measurements of Suspended Sediment Transport: Prototype Shorefaces
Field measurements of local time-varying suspended sediment flux were obtained using rapid response velocity and sediment concentration sensors at a number of elevations under shoaling...





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