Design and Evaluation of Storm Water Detention Facilities Using a Design Storm and Probable Maximum Storm
When designing a storm water detention facility, both a design storm (DS) and a probable maximum storm (PMS) should be considered. The DS is used to design the facility. The PMS is used...

An Inline Retarding Basin
This paper discusses the idea of retarding flows within existing right-of-way in a linear basin. This concept is based on longitudinally dividing the right-of-way into two sections. The...

Snow-Melt Triggered Debris Flows Affecting Utah's Megalopolis
During the abnormally wet years of 1983 and 1984, debris flows were triggered late in spring on the west flank of the Wasatch Mountains and elsewhere in Central Utah. These debris flows...

The USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project
New generation water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The new technology is expected to replace the Universal Soil...

Watershed Runoff Forecasting Technique
Based on historical records of up to 57 years, a computer model was developed to establish the precipitation - runoff relationship for four reservoir systems in the Northeast portion of...

Unit Hydrograph Relationships for Small Urban Texas Watersheds
Snyder's unit hydrograph methods are used in a HEC-1 multiple sub-area routing model where the sub-area sizes average one to two square miles in size. However, the Snyder's...

Stage-Frequency Analysis of Closed-Basin Lakes
Devils Lake in North Dakota is used as a case study for the model development and application. The basis of the relationship developed in this study is the separation of the annual maximum...

Analytical Studies of the Schoharie Bridge Failure
Analytical studies consisted of geomorphic, hydrologic, hydraulic, and erosion analyses including mathematical modeling with HEC-1 and WSPRO, the new FHWA water-surface profile model....

Analysis of Onsite Measurements of Scour at Piers
Existing onsite measurements of local scour at bridge piers were assembled and analyzed to obtain an equation that predicts the expected maximum depth of local scour at a bridge pier....

Reliability of Compacted Soil Liners
Determination of transport times of contaminants through a soil liner is hindered by the inherent spatial variability of the hydraulic conductivity of compacted soil. The existence of...

Federal Microcomputer Software for Urban Hydrology
The purpose of this paper is to describe the development, availability, and general use of selected urban hydrology microcomputer software developed by: U.S. Soil Conservation Service...

Rigid-Lid Flow Calculations with MacCormack's Method
R.W. MacCormack's Method is employed for the calculation of subcritical flow in shallow water. The flow is assumed to be incompressible with rigid boundaries above and below,...

Frequency of Flood Extremes
A variety of flood-frequency approaches are reviewed and evaluated in this study. The concept of return period is re-examined and its implication on the meaning of extreme events is given...

Rainfall Intensity-Duration Equations
A method for rapidly developing a rainfall intensity-duration equation for durations less than one hour and recurrence intervals between 2 and 100 years for any location in the conterminous...

Analysis of Spillway Failures by Uplift Pressure
Results of a model study to evaluate the development of uplift pressures beneath concrete chutes are presented. Two spillway failures are described to support the study results. Common...

Hydroturbine Efficiency and Cavitation Monitoring
The paper describes a microcomputer-based system for monitoring hydroturbine performance and cavitation level. Remote access to the monitoring system provides convenient, rapid, and accurate...

Martins Fork Reservoir Sedimentation Study
The Martins Fork Reservoir is located on Martins Fork of the Cumberland River in Harlan County, Kentucky. The lake was impounded in December, 1978. Since closure, the lake has experienced...

Modeling Side-Weir Diversions for Flood Control
Side-channel weirs can be used for diversion to reduce flood peaks. This study has developed a means for incorporating the effects of side weirs in HEC-1 and HEC-2 calculations through...

Measurement and Analysis of Tracfcfifc-Induced Transient Motion in Navigation Channels
Two-induced physical effects related to navigation changes on the Kanawha River, West Virginia were measured at three environmentally sensitive representative locations. The purpose of...

Entropy as a Probability Concept in Energy-Gradient Distribution
The concept of entropy based on probability theory instead of thermodynamic principle has been applied to study the distribution of energy gradient along alluvial rivers. The formulas...





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