Numerical Modeling of Air Bubble Transport in Spillway Flow Downstream from Aerator
A simple numerical model for simulation of air bubble transport in the flow downstream from an aerator is constructed and compared with laboratory experiments. The model consists of two...

Numerical Modeling of Pollutant Transport in Estuaries
A robust numerical solution to the pollutant transport phenomenon in an estuary is presented. The fractional step algorithm is employed to split the physical process into convection step...

Biomechanical Model of a Lumbar Intervertebral Joint?A System Approach
This study was conducted to determine the forces sustained by the lumbar ligaments under flexion-compression using a two-dimensional equilibrium model. The lumbar motion segment was modeled...

Normal and Tangential Contact of Layered Spheres as Models of Joint Contact
The causes of cracking in degenerating cartilage are examined using analytical models of layered elastic spheres in normal and tangential contact. Vertical surface and deep radial cracks...

A Two-Dimensional Model of Airbag Deployment
An interactive program was developed to simulate the unfolding and deploying process of a driver side airbag in the sagittal plane. The airbag was represented by a series of nodes. We...

Using a Linearized Yield Surface in Dynamic Analysis
This paper describes an application of the finite element method to dynamic analysis of systems which exhibit material nonlinearity. A time history approach is used with a central difference...

Time-Delayed Control of Nondispersive Continuous Systems
This paper deals with the noncollocated, time-delayed active point control of continuous systems. It considers systems of finite spatial extent which can be modelled by the undamped wave...

Spatial Coherence in the Chaotic Dynamics of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Elastic Impact Oscillators
In this paper, we describe a method for estimating the number of degrees of freedom needed to adequately model nonlinear structural systems. We apply the method to the study of chaotic...

Experimental and Numerical Chaos in Continuous Systems: Two Case Studies
Motivated by recent numerical investigations according to which certain types of deep-water compliant offshore structures may experience undesirable chaotic motions, two types of experimental...

Adequacy of Statistical Linearization for Nonlinear Degrading Structural Systems
An investigation is carried out to examine the validity of current practice in using statistical linearization method for nonlinear degrading structures subject to random ground acceleration....

Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Frames
The second stiffness method for large deformation in-elastic stability analysis of frames is discussed. Displacement control methods for tracing the path beyond the limit point are presented....

Damage Tolerance of Composites
The damage tolerance issue in composites is driven by the requirement for and implementation of a structural integrity criterion for a structural system. A key element in the design philosophy...

Experimental Techniques to Study the Microstructure of Cement-Based Materials
Techniques to identify phases and changes in microstructure within cement paste, mortar, and concrete using a scanning electron microscope and image analysis system are described. Backscattered...

Inspection Goes High Tech
Many believe that rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure�not net construction�will dominate the 1990s. Therefore, accurate condition assessment is crucial, since public works agencies...

State Legislative Concerns Relative to Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulation
States have increasingly asserted their authority to regulate hazardous materials transportation, in the face of inadequate and declining federal efforts. Areas of state interest include...

Risk Management in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods?The Influence of Public Perception A Discussion
In 1988, a fire at Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Quebec involving a PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) warehouse sparked continuing controversy which included a two-week evacuation of residents....

Risk Perception and Policy Preferences of Fire Chiefs: A Survey of Hazardous Materials Issues
This paper presents the results of a survey of Connecticut fire chiefs and discusses how their perceptions of risk affect their attitudes towards risk preparedness and risk management...

Hazardous Materials Data: A Federal Perspective
This paper discusses the evolution and current status of the Hazardous Materials Incident Report System (HMIRS) maintained by the Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) of...

Flows of Hazardous Materials Through States by Rail
This paper presents information on the tonnages of hazardous materials passing through each of the contiguous 48 states (and the District of Columbia) by rail. The quantities are estimated...

Issues in Developing Arizona's Hazmat Incident Reporting Program
The Arizona Division of Emergency Services (ADES), in cooperation with Arizona State University (ASU) - Center for Advanced Research in Transportation, and the Arizona Department of Transportation...





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